Does its existence desensitize pervs and make abuse more likely, or does it provide an outlet such that they'll be less likely to abuse? Are there any research papers on this?

(Goes without saying: fuck pedos)

  • gayhobbes [he/him]
    4 years ago

    So I'm under the impression that pedophiles aren't sexually compulsive. At least, from the literature I've read, it's not accurate to call it an orientation, but pedophiles can't help their sexual attraction. Many are horrified by the fact that they are sexually attracted to children, however, and most do not offend.

    I do think it is compassionate to offer a sexual outlet so long as it is healthy. From other shit I've read about sexual offenders, pornography is helpful in this regard. Obviously, for ethical reasons, I think loli/shota is probably the safest and easiest way for there to be a sexual outlet without consequences for innocent people who might otherwise be impacted by it.

    That said, the widespread availability, its use by rampant and unrepentant sexual predators, and the creators of the material all leave me with the impression that if it SHOULD exist, it should only exist in the limited capacity as I mentioned for conscious and responsible people with a sexual attraction towards kids.

    This is all based on shit I've read up on, so if there's any literature to contradict what I've learned, I would definitely like to read or see it.