Dark baba come 2 Elephant-dirt. Dark baba se, “I, friend-friend-stack, I.”

Elephant-dirt daddy se 2 dark baba, “Go! Go! Go!”

Dark baba se 2 Elephant-dirt daddy, “N-n-n!”

4 Elephant-dirt daddy, cat 2 dog 2 go friend 4 push dark baba go.

Daddy se, “Æsj guy go friend-friend-stack!”

Æsj guy se, “Sweet guy 2 dumb guy 2 go friend-friend-stack!”

4 that come eye-2.

Eye: Elephant-dirt daddy eye-se friend-friend-stack go daddy.

2: Friend-friend-stack guy bird se lie-lie 4 moo-ball.

4 that, cat dirt 2 dog dirt 2 friend-friend-stack guy come 2 Thomas-dirt 4 go book: Thomas-dirt se-se 2, Bread-dirt se-se 2, Hot-dog-dirt se-se 2, Noo-noo-dirt se-se 2, Sweet-dirt se-se 2, Dumb-dirt se-se 2.

Translation back into semi-normal English

Ghost come to Europe. Ghost say, “I, communism, I.”

Europe leader say to ghost, “Go! Go! Go!”

Ghost say to Europe leader, “No! No! No!”

For Europe leader, strange bedfellows become friends for the purpose of compel ghost leave.

Leader say, “Opponent be communist!”

Opponent say, “Good and bad people be communist!”

Therefore come two things.

One: Europe leader see communism be a leader.

Two: Communist should say idea in front of world.

Therefore, different countries communist come to England for the purpose of write: English language as well, French language as well, German language as well, Italian language as well, Flemish language as well, Danish language as well.