So I'm visiting my parents and it's all my family talks about. Every discussion is "my big boi" this and "oh did you read about the new breed of" that. I'm fucking sick of it. Get a new topic of conversation.

I'm trying to sleep, and I just hear them all night. Can science make them quieter? Can they shut the fuck up? Can people just not let them out all night so I can sleep peacefully.

Have you ever noticed that when you watch TV or whatever, they're the centre of our culture? Romance, comedy, action, these little shits are the middle of everything. People gotta be rocking these guys to get a girlfriend. (Granted it's shit mainstream TV). It's like we didn't know how to relate to the world without these spawn children. You know, people fell in love without these guys BEFORE they were invented. Guys, I swear to God, I've been unmatched on Tinder before because I don't like them or own one.

Don't get me started on the environmental costs. What's it like, 20% of the world's carbon emissions. People will downplay this, and say that they need them. I say, if you need something that destroys the planet for the next generation, you're a sociopath.

So if you haven't noticed, I don't own one of these. Getting around is so hard, they take up so much space everywhere. It just feels super unfair that 95% of the street is dedicated to their needs, while I need to feel terrified and cramped on the sidewalk. Like our whole society and infrastructure is designed for owners of these death demons and the rest of us just need to deal with their selfishness.

  • Cigarette_comedian [he/him]
    11 months ago

    Wait a minute, wait a goddamn minute here... 20% of carbon emissions, need to own one, keeping people up at night, cramped up on the sidewalk? We've been victims of a persistent typo, this is about Cars, not Cats! car-beta

  • forcequit [she/her]
    11 months ago

    Sounds like someone could do with a toxoplasmosis infection

    • ButtBidet [he/him]
      11 months ago

      Found the wretched planet destroying beast lover 😔

      • Frank [he/him, he/him]
        11 months ago

        Join us. The bliss of love love will enfold you. You will love them and they will love you, forever. Join us.

      • forcequit [she/her]
        11 months ago

        yeah but if you keep them in captivity, entirely removed from their ecocidal tendencies, they're kinda cute tho

  • booty [he/him]
    11 months ago

    outdoor-cat me on my way to ruin this guy's day

  • bananon [he/him]
    11 months ago

    Very true these things definitely shouldn’t be street legal


  • Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]
    11 months ago

    It's only outdoor cats that are the problem. Indoor cats have much lower emmisions, do not require any infrastructure, and are great for kids to ride around on.

  • MerryChristmas [any]
    11 months ago

    Look dude I just don't think we are going to get along and that's okay.

  • SpiderFarmer [he/him]
    11 months ago

    My cat is currently annoying me with the song of his people, but I love him. Outdoor cats suck, but otherwise I love them. Dogs, on the other hand? Fuck them. I used to be a pedestrian and distance runner and owner's are too fucking stupid to put their dogs on a leash.

    • grey_wolf_whenever [he/him]
      11 months ago

      Dogs are such good companions though, have you never felt the affection of a good dog? It does not move you??

      • SpiderFarmer [he/him]
        11 months ago

        Honestly, even looking past my bad experiences, more of a cat person anyway. It also helps that I'm allergic to dogs, which is generally a more socially acceptable excuse.

    • Crucible [he/him]
      11 months ago

      I used to be a pedestrian and distance runner and owner's are too fucking stupid to put their dogs on a leash.

      Sounds like a people problem, not a dog problem