I know its just a stupid consumerist holiday or whatever, but damn finding out the truth gave 9 year old me issues with trust.

  • ItsPequod [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Gonna play the devils advocate and say that maybe kids need some of this stuff as sort of building blocks to being a person. If one takes the tabula rasa approach to child-rearing then they need to be taught shit and allowed time to grow and grasp the things in their mind. Literally gonna quote some Pratchett on this one

    • redthebaron [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Also our whole world is trully dreadful like i don't think a five year old should be told that if the economy gets fucked enough they might have to live on the streets or that every single pleasure they have has come from the suffering of someone else maybe their age even like the world is really not nice and i as an adult would rather not be a part of it so i don't know i think lying a bit is fine