I really haven’t seen any talk about the fact that apparently COVID shots are no longer free for uninsured patients? As of August? Someone correct me if I’m wrong.
This program will end in August 2024.
Unserious country. Vaccines are infrastructure, not a commodity. All vaccines should be free and easily accessible. Nothing else makes sense.
To expand on that, anything made in a private facility with government funds should be free and easily accessible.
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
To further expand, all healthcare facilities should be nationalized and all healthcare workers should become federal employees... Insurance, abolished.
That's pretty misanthropic tbh,
wouldn'twould only wish those overengineered suicide machines on my worst enemies. Then again, death to america ofc
I am a serious economist, and the reason vaccines aren't free is because then a small number of people will just keep getting them and use up the supply, leaving none for everyone else.
If vaccines are free, it will reduce the incentive to work to pay for them, lowering labor participation and overall GDP.
Maybe it's time for comrades in normal countries to start offering sham marriages to get American comrades to safety
Do I get my money back if you do something American like wear your shoes inside?
Not settling for anything less than a non-sham, loveful marriage.
A couple months back I went to get an update and I asked how much it would be with no insurance and they at first said like 200 dollars and I was about to walk but someone, maybe the head pharmacist, corrected them and let me do it for free.
You could probably just lie. I'm not sure they even use the vaccine cards anymore.