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  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    3 months ago

    Yeah but there's a difference here - Communist intelligence units are full of commies, and can be a net good and continue to be a net good as long as they continue to be full of commies. Their goal is to defend the star trek future. Their enemies are the guys who think that Section 31 make cool protagonists.

    If you look at the cold war, one thing I'm amazed by is how cheap you can by an American patriot. It's fucking chump change, beer money. And it's always because America's spies don't have financial stability and a good quality of life.

    Meanwhile the Russians had guys inside Hoovers toilet counting the boils on his ass.

    You'll find endless discussion on why, but i'm pretty sure at the end of the day the commies were fighting for an idea, and the americans, regardless of what they believed, were fighting for a roof, braces for their kid, cancer treatment for their mom.

    The section 31 these show runners have created aren't hard nose old revolutionaires who have seen and done terrible things in the name of a good and honest ideology. The show runners are all end of history kids. They grew up after the world of ideology and belief had ended. For them there's only the status quo, forever.

    Starfleet can't boldly go because they've already arrived at the end of history. Starfleet is america, section 31 is the cia and fbi and army, the only conceivable goal is to maintain the status quo forever. And int he world of the show runners that means that as the status quo decays for reasons they are ideologically not allowed to understand the intelligence services, the section 31s, use increasingly mask off violence to keep the wheels on.

    Sci fi is always about society in the present day. Picard is about america, no. With no soviet union who can the romulans or klingons be? There's no one left except competing "bad" capitalists. There's no revolutionary future, just a static liberal now. They can't tell star trek stories because they don't live in a world where kids can be allowed to dream star trek dreams, because that would be better than what we have. And better isn't allowed. The status quo must be defended, and that demands that the star trek future, the better future, the we came in peace for all man kind future, has to be killed. And it's most important that it be killed in the dreams of children.