The relevant part -

This attitude “who cares, they’re just a big company, they make plenty of money” is bullshit. Any one of us could be that company. Any one of us could design a product people love, patent it, and become what Apple is. It doesn’t mean we deserve to be shit on. It doesn’t mean Apple still doesn’t OWN that design. It’s illegal to use it in a manner they haven’t authorized.

  • Not_irony [he/him]
    4 years ago

    There's this thing a humans brain does, where it assigns wholeness/completeness to things. Even if the brain doesn't have all the information, it just fills it in and assumes its all there. The "just so" story is that if you see 1/10th of a tiger, or the shadow of one, its safe to assume the rest is there. The false negative is maybe a little scary, but the false positive is deadly.

    Reaching deep into shit I forgot from college, I think its called gulstalt.

    My theory is that companies and brands do this. Apple isn't one thing, but thousands of people, probably tens of thousands once you include all the "independent contractors" and literal slaves that dig out the lithium. But humans see this as "one" thing because our brains haven't had a chance to catch up to the levels of propaganda that they are subjugated to daily.

    Dozens and dozens of people, even before the standing on giants bit, built that kit.