there's a lot of random funny hexbear lore out there, like rock stacking, but that's not what I'm asking about. I'm more asking about the really huge stuff, like the transphobe purging or the r/vcj onboarding that apparently almost ended the site. has anyone done any good writeups on those? really hoping for one about the r/vcj onboarding but I'll take any i can get my hands on

  • WhyEssEff [she/her]
    21 days ago

    will have to write about what I can when I get home, so watch this space, I’ll prob write it in a different reply, not under this

    VCJ doesn’t get brought up because it effectively ended in a stalemate and there’s a sort of gentleman’s agreement not to agitate the wound after the fallout caused a group of sitemods (including me, initially, partly because I was overwhelmed and in high school at the time) to quit or temp-quit the site.