I feel like everything would somehow be even worse and more insufferable than it is already, except for him likely getting dunked on by Trump.

  • russianattack [he/him]
    4 years ago

    pete wanted to decriminalize all drug use and had a path that eventually got to medicare for all. i mean hes a little rat face shit but he would have been miles better than biden who is not giving us anything at all

    • RandomWords [he/him]
      4 years ago

      pete had no integrity and didn't want anything except to be president. he would have said or done anything he had to to get there.

      biden sucks ass too, but the idea that pete would have been 'miles better' is a fallacy.

      • russianattack [he/him]
        4 years ago

        i'd rather the person who is offering me something than the one who isn't. we have no idea what either one of these fucks would do in office beforehand. decriminalizing drug use is just a good idea and he rationalized it and it isn't a popular policy position to win votes. you think his white ass base is sitting there thinking about decriminalizing drugs before he said it? biden wants to wait for more research before he thinks about fucking marijuana, that's what you say when you want to win votes

        • RandomWords [he/him]
          4 years ago

          we do have an idea. it's called accountability. pete literally wrot his college thesis on how we need more politicians like bernie sanders, and then when the time came he did everything in his power to destroy that same person, because he thought it was better for his career. no integrity at all.

          neither one of these people are decent, but pete is a special kind of piece of shit.

      • Amorphous [any]
        4 years ago

        I don't think Pete wanted to be president even. I don't think he was ever under any illusion that he could get anywhere near that. Pete's job, the task he was grown in a lab to perform, was to impede Sanders' momentum in the early stages of the race. His job was to do whatever he could to prevent Bernie from getting his point across in debates, to muddy the waters on what should have been a clear victory in Iowa, etc. That's why he didn't even pretend to have a platform. That's why he spouted gibberish about "the shape of our democracy" or whatever. He was a fake candidate.

        • RandomWords [he/him]
          4 years ago

          perhaps, one way or the other the guy was a spineless opportunist who lacked any tangible substance or will behind his empty platitudes.

      • russianattack [he/him]
        4 years ago

        ok. i thought he had a 12 year plan or something that eventually got there. i don't even want to defend this guy i can't stand him. I still think he was offering us more than biden though