Termites are a group of detritophagous eusocial insects which consume a wide variety of decaying plant material, generally in the form of wood, leaf litter, and soil humus. They are distinguished by their moniliform antennae and the soft-bodied and often unpigmented worker caste for which they have been commonly termed "white ants"; however, they are not ants, to which they are only distantly related. About 2,972 extant species are currently described, 2,105 of which are members of the family Termitidae.

Termites comprise the infraorder Isoptera, or alternatively the epifamily Termitoidae, within the order Blattodea (along with cockroaches). Termites were once classified in a separate order from cockroaches, but recent phylogenetic studies indicate that they evolved from cockroaches, as they are deeply nested within the group, and the sister group to wood eating cockroaches of the genus Cryptocercus. Previous estimates suggested the divergence took place during the Jurassic or Triassic. More recent estimates suggest that they have an origin during the Late Jurassic, with the first fossil records in the Early Cretaceous.

Similarly to ants and some bees and wasps from the separate order Hymenoptera, most termites have an analogous "worker" and "soldier" caste system consisting of mostly sterile individuals which are physically and behaviorally distinct. Unlike ants, most colonies begin from sexually mature individuals known as the "king" and "queen" that together form a lifelong monogamous pair. Also unlike ants, which undergo a complete metamorphosis, termites undergo an incomplete metamorphosis that proceeds through egg, nymph, and adult stages. Termite colonies are commonly described as superorganisms due to the collective behaviors of the individuals which form a self-governing entity: the colony itself. Their colonies range in size from a few hundred individuals to enormous societies with several million individuals. Most species are rarely seen, having a cryptic life-history where they remain hidden within the galleries and tunnels of their nests for most of their lives.

Termites' success as a group has led to them colonizing almost every global landmass, with the highest diversity occurring in the tropics where they are estimated to constitute 10% of the animal biomass, particularly in Africa which has the richest diversity with more than 1000 described species. They are important decomposers of decaying plant matter in the subtropical and tropical regions of the world, and their recycling of wood and plant matter is of considerable ecological importance. Many species are ecosystem engineers capable of altering soil characteristics such as hydrology, decomposition, nutrient cycling, vegetative growth, and consequently surrounding biodiversity through the large mounds constructed by certain species.

Termites have several impacts on humans. They are a delicacy in the diet of some human cultures such as the Makiritare in the Alto Orinoco province of Venezuela, where they are commonly used as a spice. They are also used in traditional medicinal treatments of various diseases and ailments, such as influenza, asthma, bronchitis, etc. Termites are most famous for being structural pests; however, the vast majority of termite species are innocuous, with the regional numbers of economically significant species being: North America, 9; Australia, 16; Indian subcontinent, 26; tropical Africa, 24; Central America and the West Indies, 17. Of known pest species, 28 of the most invasive and structurally damaging belong to the genus Coptotermes. The distribution of most known pest species is expected to increase over time as a consequence of climate change. Increased urbanization and connectivity is also predicted to expand the range of some pest termites.

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    • Wendy_Pleakley [he/him, they/them]
      12 days ago

      But for real, how are you supposed to do stuff when everything causes you to freak out and need somebody? I've gone so long without someone to confide in that the need washes over me instantly.

      People always say I'm hard to help, that I don't accept help. But now that I'm in complete atrophy, I can't move forward in my life, and the doors are wide open, people are even less willing to help. I thought people would rise to an opportunity to answer the call of a friend in need but truly idk anymore

      Or maybe everyone but me has the answer. It seems like it many days

      • LocalOaf [they/them]
        12 days ago

        I have GAD

        Breaking tasks down into multiple smaller things in a mental checklist where I can reassure myself of the component parts of the task being simple helps me a lot, like

        overall task: grocery shopping

        subtasks: make list, get reusable bags, get car keys, get in car, check mirrors, start car, drive to store

        get out of car, lock car, put on mask, get cart, read list, get items, go to checkout, etc

        If I preoccupy myself with a simple series of small linear tasks in the front of my mind it makes me less prone to getting overwhelmed or panicky

        Granted it's a lot easier when those tasks don't involve "talk to strangers" for me

        Idk, that might help? Having something to fidget with that grounds you a bit is helpful for me too, I have a keychain light that I like to hold in my pocket and click when I'm nervous when I'm out doing something
