It's really funny how all it took was one video defending monarchy for me to completely stop watching his content
TopTenz, vSauce,CGP grey and that guy with that one video defending columbus are peak "Reddit core" to me. I've been linked to so many of their videos as attempted "debunking" sometimes for barely related things.
I used to really enjoy their videos, but early last year they decided to take down two of they most-watched and best videos for totally bullshit reasons. They thought it was too "political" because they extrapolated into criticisms of capitalism. They explained it in a "Can You Trust Kurzgesagt Videos?" and my takeaway was a resounding NO, not anymore.
One of the videos they took down was "Addiction", which emphasized research that mice almost completely lost interesting in chugging down as much cocaine and opium water as they could get their paws on when they had a fun mouse playground other mice to play with. A little too close to some theory of alienation as a driving factor of social ills or even disease models. Couldn't have that!
The other was an extremely tepid "refugees are actual human beings" take. European Refugee Crisis and Syria Explained. Nope, too political. Their videos have all been dogshit every since then. Though it could just be my bias because it kinda pissed me off. I used to even have notifications turned on for when a new video dropped. Now I am not even subbed to the channel.
vsauce is the epitome of mindless "I fucking love science!" internet content
thats not to say it's bad, i like vsauce, but people who pretend they're actually learning things and engaging their brain any differently than watching sitcoms on tv are very mistaken
Mostly agree, but I have learned stuff from Vsauce, usually seeing something in his videos and thinking "huh, that's cool, I'm gonna look it up to learn more".
Now I'm gonna talk about popular physics and math channels that actually teach you stuff because that's what I know.
Sabine Hossenfelder is very cool, she makes videos explaining physics as well as ranting about the current state of theoretical physics. I don't always agree but she has some good points.
PBS Spacetime is one of the rare pop physics channels which actually explains what something is really about in a specific manner instead of just throwing a bunch of flashy images at you.
Veritasium is OK. He has gotten a lot better recently imo.
3Blue1Brown is one of the best math channels, he does very beautiful visualisations of math concepts, and his vids are cool and useful whether you know about this stuff already or not. His vids usually require at least remembering some basic stuff from highschool math.
BobbyBroccolli is not really a science channel per se, but he is doing a series on Jan Hendrik Schon, the greatest fraudster in physics, so that's cool.
I will add two: Anton Petrov's "What da math?"? It's not about math at all, but mostly astronomy and sometimes other science topics. More of a vlog style, but entertaining. I just find him to be a really pleasant guy to casually listen to.
The one I most highly recommend Cool Worlds which is not exactly about cool worlds, but just really interesting and astronomy topics, and they are extremely well-scripted. The guy is an astronomy professor at Columbia, and he presents a couple of videos of his original academic research, such as the Terrascope video that hypothesizes you put a space telescope the right distance away from Earth, and use the atmosphere as a gigantic lens. You could call a lot of the content "futurism" but not an unhinged Kurzweil or Michio Kaku way. The video titles make it appear he's a kook at first glance, but the topics get a very serious, rigorous treatment based on real science.
I really like Physics Girl, neat demonstrations and explanations of real life physics
I watch her videos sometimes but her content is more frequently about studying physics than actual physics. Another similar channel is Andrew Dotson, which is sometimes helpful but also he is kind of a cringey stembro.
Never heard of this guy, thought you were talking about Vinesauce, started thinking "Oh no, what did Vinny do"
How did you get this massively downvoted for an incredibly reasonable comment?
How dare you ruin our fun from content creator we stan :angery:
I remember watching one of his videos a year or two back where he was talking about how we were approaching a cure for death and anyone who slowed down the development of this cure, which included those who were at all cynical about the possibility or desirability of such a cure, were morally culpable for whoever wouldn't be saved by the delay. He also said that anyone who was comfortable with or accepting of death was like a desert nomad that worshiped the sun. It was such a bizarre video and I think I stopped watching him after that.
like a desert nomad that worshiped the sun.
Weird fucking comparison. The Ancient Egyptians lived in a desert and worshipped the sun and they built one of the greatest civilizations of the ancient world.
And their burial practices were motivated by a belief in immortality.
I mean yeah we should absolutely try and stop Old Age, or the clusters of pathology and disease that present as old age. Stopping death is kind of hard, outside of uploading or at least "savegame" tech a shotgun to the head will seriously cramp your day. In any case people should be free to live as little or as much as they wish.
But this kind of bonkers total war all-or-nothing approach is typical of the transhumanist addled side of the net, and is even more ironic since many would regard such rhetoric on climate change to be needlessly alarmist.
Yo this is chapochat don't block usernames (unless you want to stay hidden).
So we can go in there and tear stuff up. We're at the dunk tank, and you handed us the baseball--where's the target?
London is supposedly really cool and shit. That's why everyone visits the UK anyways.
tbf spain is number 2. but yeah most of the countries with tourism dont have monarchies. only thailand, uk, and spain have it in the top 10. uk is less popular than thailand lol
I don't think people are traveling to Spain for the monarchy. It's rich Europeans traveling there for beaches and nice weather
Do you mind explaining? Is there a big push to abolish the monarchy? I'd love to see the old school purple spanish republic flag again.
A lot of the mystique around the Royal Family has been stripped away recently with a whole swathe of scandals. A few weeks ago Juan Carlos I had to flee to the Dominican Republic over some shady deals with the Saudis. That's on top of his involvement in the Panama Papers and a bunch of sex scandals that don't play too well to the monarchy's Catholic base. There's also a strong radical republican tradition, particularly in Catalunya, Aragon and Euskadi (Basque country). The whole country has been "on the verge of collapse" in some way since Franco died with a big push for independence in Catalunya and Euskadi and because of the compromises to fascism in the 1978 constitution. Nowadays, a lot of right-wingers cling to the monarchy to "own the libs", but Spanish fascism (which is making a big comeback) has always had a rocky relationship with the royal family so that's not a strong source of support.
Also the Spanish Republican flag fucking rules.
Yeah there's a big push because of some controversy with the royal family. There's reason to believe their upcoming election in 2021 will decide things to an extent.
What a weird fucking take, like, who visits the UK because monarchy? Like, is there any major subset of people for whom this plays a significant role? Is there seriously anyone who would refuse to visit the UK if there was no monarchy? This is dumb.
Obviously some people find some of the pomp and Ceremony a tourist draw, but no one said you had to dump the Changing of the Guard or the Tower Warders or whatever, and a whole lot of cool Palaces would be significantly more open.
Like imagine trying to visit Versailles if the Bourbons were still there. You'd have to spend a fortune renting the required outfit (Sewing an actual 18th century court gown runs somewhere north of $10000 if you count labour time and materials, and mens outfits are MORE expensive, equivalent to a full Saville Row outfitting (so ~$25k)) and you'd see like 20% of what you can see today. And then there's all the OTHER palaces that were turned into museums by the revolution.
what a shit fucking take. Honestly glad I got banned from that shit site
is your shallow analysis a bit because he does the same dumb shit in his video(s)?
idk him and dont think i want to watch any of his stuff
not even tryna be confrontational it just seems absurd to make that conclusion on such a small amount of information