I know I know the Catholic Church is shit and still not fixing anything (They would probably murder Francis if he tried any major reforms). But it’s just nice to see the Pope out here calling out shit.

Private property is second to people’s well being!

Free market is immoral because it exploits others!

Nations have the right to their own resources!

Liberation theology gang what’s up!

  • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I'm a "lapsed Catholic" which is a polite way of letting people know where I am without admitting I'm an orthodox ML who dabbles in Satanism just for fun. I also used to study the Catechism and minored in Philosophy and Theology before I dropped out of college. Not out of any desire to be a priest, I just find religion to be a fascinating thing to study.

    All popes suck and Francis still has a boatload of terrible opinions but I'm not gonna look a gift horse in the mouth. If this gets more people talking about the fundamental inequity which undergirds capitalism? That's a good thing. We need to have that conversation. This text might even provoke some further questions from people, and we on the left do have those answers. We have a century and a half of scientific criticism of the mechanisms of Capitalism under our belts.

    • Blarglefargle [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Agreed on all fronts (accept I’m a filthy dem soc) Francis ain’t perfect. He isn’t even amazing. He’s slightly better then what we are use to.

      But it gets the conversation going. It gets the wealthy Catholic subarbanite to think and it gets the working class Hispanic family to feel comfortable openly speaking out.

      It’s a good start to getting people towards the right path