why are we born . why are we alive. why does anything exist. what even is life. what happens when you die fuck fuck fuck shit fuck fuck

  • gayhobbes [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Hi bud.

    When you start to panic, lean into the panic. It's scary, at first, but you start to realize that the panic is there to protect you. You panic because it's a mechanism designed to keep you from getting hurt. Right now, it's not functioning as it should because it has you worrying about something that's not a clear or present danger. So by leaning into it, you adapt to the feeling. you get used to it.

    As for what everything is, I don't know. But that's a feeling you're having right now because you don't feel in control. You feel like a speck of dust buffeted by the wind. You do not feel like you can do anything about it. And it's true, actually, you can't. But you are in control of things in your life. Some things. Find those things and focus on them. Do something with them. When you start to feel helpless, you are a powerful deity to your own life, and you absolutely do have power. Focus on that.