• booty [he/him]
    13 hours ago

    That's unironically badass, I love that a lot

    I do think it's a little unrealistic that they'd already be in a relationship before the "how do we fuck" conversation happened though. If I ever meet any aliens that's gonna be in the first ten questions I ask them. Not necessarily because I want to fuck them (but I might) but because that's just a basic thing to establish about how they work. How do you communicate, breathe, eat, reproduce I think is probably roughly the order that I'd ask those questions in.

    Also some animals here on earth get real freaky with reproduction and before I entered a relationship I'd want to make sure my partner doesn't expect me to violently tear open their abdomen in order to satisfy them or something, that might be a dealbreaker for me

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    22 hours ago

    You're an explorer.

    I'm sure you'll figure it out.

    Damn smooth there. posad

  • FlakesBongler [they/them]
    21 hours ago

    I mean, it's not that hard to figure out

    Humankind has been figuring out ways to jork peanuts for as long as we've existed