[what's that? oh....]
sorry folks, small correction from the producer. it appears we must retract the "saving a ton on labor costs" claim.
Ms. Lisa Su's last yearly compensation package was $58.5 million. we regret the error.
but wait! that means... 😲
👏 Lisa 👏 Su 👏 is 👏 the 👏 highest 👏 paid 👏 woman 👏 CEO 👏 in 👏 world 👏 history 👏 yas 👏 qween 👏 more 👏 capitalist 👏 GIRL 👏 POWER!! 👏 oppressors 👏 gulag 👏 all 👏 gamers 👏
Hell yeah, contrary to the opinions on a lot of this thread, I think these companies are doing super cool shit and I really think it's important for us to separate valid tech hype from the capitalist structure it operates in. I'm still torn though, I can't help but feel that mass production of these products is so destructive, not to mention the hyper exploitation of miners in poor countries... on that note...
I got a pretty good deal on an open box 5600XT, other than that it's the standard - Ryzen 3600, 16GB RAM, ASRock Pro4 MOBO etc. Really wanted to wait for the Zen3 CPUs, but I've been waiting for so many months now and I'm starting to really need it for work. Obviously waiting for the new GPUs - whether 3060 or 6600XT - would have been much smarter, but again, too long of a wait time. Still hyped to see what comes out!