Hey y’all. I used to have a custom news feed made using Google News but–surprise!–they removed the best customizability features. Also their search results got less useful. You used to be able to search |violent protest| (w/o the |'s) and find out where people were fighting back everywhere in the world. That got nerfed somehow too.

Basically, I'm looking for something like that again if not better.

Many people’s first instinct is gonna be to tell me “RSS readers”–okay, but is there a genuinely free one that’s fully customizable, where I can have as many customized sources as I want? If I want, for starters, 100 Google News searches from |Albania protest| to |Zimbabwe protest| can I get that for free? I tried like 3 services and they all charged monthly if you wanted more than 5 searches like that.

  • fuschiaRuler [she/her]
    4 years ago

    I believe Feedly has their full version available on F-Droid (which is a really cool move, tbh). If you take that route, please consider donating when it is possible for ya.