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  • KiaKaha [he/him]
    4 years ago

    A clash in the South China Sea leads to nuclear war, but the aliens and dolphins don’t come afterwards.

  • Leon_Grotsky [comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    China actually gets nuked and there is no runner-up for breaking the hegemony of the U.S. petrodollar.

    Cultural genocide is perpetrated by the capitalists, turning us all into r/wallstreetbets users as every molecule on the planet is commodified.

    The heat-death of the planet lumbers on unimpeded, and cockroaches conquer the earth after the great extinction event.

    Cockroaches re-invent capitalism.

      • Leon_Grotsky [comrade/them]
        4 years ago

        Speaking for myself, I know quite a bit about my Balkan/Bohemian blood but only because I had a mental break when I realized I didn't and felt compelled to rectify it. This is a good point, and I should have said 'Completes their cultural genocide!'

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    4 years ago

    Theoretically there is a climate change case where the oceans go anoxic and release enough hydrogen sulfide in to wipe out all complex multicellular life on earth.

  • krothotkin [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Not a big sweeping thing, but it's only a matter of time before someone on this board does some stupid terrorist shit and we all end up in unmarked FBI vans.

  • ADamnedFool [any]
    4 years ago

    just continues on this path, nothing done about climate change, people continually more crushed, further escalation of violence on anyone fleeing the countries that can no longer support life and at some point it all falls apart and under skies where the sun is blocked out by storms for weeks the species slowly the quickly dies. I'll drink billionaire blood before the end though

  • Jorick [he/him]
    4 years ago

    If by plausible, you mean that can (and will) happen, here are my super optimistic predictions.

    • Europe will dissolve, and turn into a series of even more xenophobic states than they are now, which includes the UK as well.
    • USA will balkanize, so will Brazil. Basically, massive ethnic/racial, political, and socio-economic divides that will worsen over time.
    • Africa will descend into anarchy, and not the good kind; and will become uninhabitable.
    • South East Asia has dozens of ethnicities, several religions, and poor economic conditions that will also cause this part of the world to fall into chaos. Also will become uninhabitable.
    • Australia will keep being the xenophobic puppet of the USA.
    • New Zealand will keep being Australia's puppet.
    • India will have a civil war. You can't have 50% of nationalists, and no pushback at all. And if it somehow avoids that, a war will errupt between them and Pakistan over some petty shit. Also will be hit with massive refugee -waves because Bangladesh will simply cease to exist if water levels rise a few meters higher. And will become uninhabitable.
    • China might survive despite all the shit going on, Russia might go deeper into failed state territory; or elect a communist government.
    • The Levant will keep being plunged into civil wars. Iran might survive.
    • The arabic peninsula will become hostile to human life.
    • A good chunk of the Island nations will cease to exist, too bad the UK will still be around.

    All the reasons are the ones we already know. Climate change creating, and worsening problems for mankind. Food and water supply, disease, mineral over-extraction, soil pollution, biodiversity death, natural catastrophes, water levels rise, end of Albedo effect, and so on. Everything I mentioned before will result in hundreds of millions dead, if not billions on the long term. There ya go champ, this doesn't get any more cursed than this.

  • quartz [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Anprim gang wins, we return to monke, but only inside a giant matroyshka brain simulating 200 trillion individuals. The complex roams space, eating stars and smashing through planets, leaving a trail of pollution light centuries long.

    Every time you understand one layer of theory, you are booted up to the next level of simulation. This continues ad infinitum, with the immortal science of Juche-syndicalism leading back into return to monke. The whole of humanity along with every civilization in the brains path cycles through these layers for billions of years, all waiting for Revered Overlord Xi to press the Socialism Button.

  • wantonviolins [they/them]
    4 years ago

    Things continue getting worse, but slowly, with increasing hypernormalization keeping most of us from noticing how bad everything has gotten. The capitalists effectively stomp out protests with legal and physical deterrents and neuter the nascent US left by hamstringing our organizational efforts. Fascism is well and truly here in force and the majority of Americans are unable to even perceive it.

    None of the Green New Deal happens. Parts of the east and west coasts become uninhabitable, people cope by moving inland and making memes about the Bay Area/Manhattan Atlantis. Thousands of people die, but that’s pretty normal at this point. The area around the gulf gets swallowed by the sea, no one notices except for when they complain about the climate refugees coming in and bringing crime and dirt and taking jobs.

    Elon Musk and Google get an effective duopoly on urban development and are hailed as saviors in the climate crisis. All the new cities built to house the white flight coming in from the coasts are company towns, filled to the brim with surveillance gadgets, theme-park style distractions, and robots that have completely replaced service workers. Nobody wealthy owns cars unless it’s a Ferrari, Bently, or similar, you just call an autonomous flying drone to come pick you up and drop you off. Encryption is outlawed, the only legal encryption algorithms are licensed to corporations by the NSA for use protecting corporate assets, IP, and communication. Section 203 is gutted and websites, now liable for what their users post, clamp down hard on any forms of criticism or dissent, going so far as to ban negative reviews of products and services.

    Weed is legal, but no convictions have been overturned and everyone is still in prison, and actually acquiring it is a complex and annoying, akin to going to the DMV today. Abortion and several forms of hormonal contraception are illegal. Drug dealers have started selling illicit plan B.

    I can keep going, but it doesn’t get better.

    • diode [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Would be pretty insane to try a proxy war between nuclear powers.

      • Churnthrow123 [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        India is a relatively young nation with rising nationalist sentiment and both India and Pakistan are going to get pretty fucked by climate change in the next 20-30 years.

        • Churnthrow123 [none/use name]
          4 years ago

          Wrong on all 3. America's median age is 38 vs 28 for India, nationalist sentiment frankly is falling (Trump is a sort of dead cat bounce), and relatively, the US is going to do fine with climate change, as long as you don't live in Florida. It's going to be annoying for most Americans vs. constant famines for India.

          • Frank [he/him, he/him]
            4 years ago

            I see America losing critical port cities to hurricanes and having no ability to re-build them due to failures of governance and capital flight. I see massive agricultural losses due to extreme weather events, drought, and fire disrupting food security as the Midwest changes radically. I see much of the west and California becoming increasingly uninhabitable due to overexploitation of water resources, fire, and deadly heat events.

            It won't happen all at once, but America is going to keep getting hit until it's punch drunk and eventually collapses. Eventually there's going to come a year when a series of Hurricanes flatten a major east coast city or wipe out Houston. And no one, not the government or private capital, will have the ability or interest to rebuild. Every time there's an extreme climate event there will be more and more internal refugees, and there will never be action to reverse that trend as the government becomes more and more fractured, the states become more balkanized, the weather becomes more extreme, and infrastructure breaks down further and further.

            There won't be any single event that does it, but the cumulative weight of massive, annual, and unstoppable disasters will eventually grind the country down to a series of impoverished city states surrounded by barren wasteland.

            • Churnthrow123 [none/use name]
              4 years ago

              I see America losing critical port cities to hurricanes and having no ability to re-build them due to failures of governance and capital flight

              Worst case scenario is that Capital does SOMETHING. Even in an anarcho-Capitalist dystopia, Exxon Mobil is not just going to give up on refining, Dow Chemical is not going to stop making plastics, every corporation on Earth is not going to just give up on the idea of America having ports.

              I see massive agricultural losses due to extreme weather events, drought, and fire disrupting food security as the Midwest changes radically.

              Unlikely. The Midwest agriculture belt is not going to be significantly effected under any scenario with warming <=3C. Rainfall is not going to decrease significantly, the Great Lakes are just fine, and frankly, warmer temps might actually expand the growing area for a lot of staple crops in the American Midwest. China has committed to net zero by 2060, so we're pretty much guaranteed to have less than 3C of warming. All of the 2-3C warming scenarios are neutral-to-great for the American Midwest and bad for the Indian subcontinent.

              I see much of the west and California becoming increasingly uninhabitable due to overexploitation of water resources, fire, and deadly heat events.

              No one lives there anyway. We'll still be able to grow avocados/oranges/winter greens, so it's a moot point in the grand scheme of things (it's BAD, but not life-critical).

              Every time there’s an extreme climate event there will be more and more internal refugees, and there will never be action to reverse that trend as the government becomes more and more fractured, the states become more balkanized, the weather becomes more extreme, and infrastructure breaks down further and further.

              In the global South, absolutely. Things will get brutal. In the USA, no, not really. It won't be any worse than the 1930s Dust Bowl. It probably won't even be that bad.

              • Frank [he/him, he/him]
                4 years ago

                You have a much rosier view of the likely trajectory of climate change than I do. My assumption based on what we know, and the incredible rate at which we're being confronted with what we don't know, is unmitigated and unstoppable warming until the artic and the sea-floor both run out of greenhouse gasses somewhere around +8c.

      • chmos [any]
        4 years ago

        Territorial conflict and contested claims. Same thing with Armenia and Azerbaijan right now.

      • Churnthrow123 [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        Rising nationalism in India, China supporting Pakistan against a rival (they're already close), US supporting India because Neocons are going to start pushing aggression with China (which will happen whether Biden or Trump wins)