praise-it over-your-head

  • Smeagolicious [they/them]
    12 hours ago

    It's always a bit funny when singularity techbro types start talking big ideas about megastructures and Dyson spheres like dude, we aren't even harvesting a fraction of a percent of the energy that is being hand delivered to us on earth right now. Maybe we should try capturing a little more of that

      3 hours ago

      Dyson sphere, except it's from James Dyson and not Freeman Dyson, and it's got what's in those funky bladeless fans or hair dryers

    • Z_Poster365 [none/use name]
      11 hours ago

      Same with going to go live on Mars and the moon and Jupiter’s moons, etc.

      Like homies. We ain’t even brought civilization to our oceans or mountains right here on Earth, which are much closer and more hospitable.

      You would think the next big bazinga thing would be seasteads and terraforming new islands and the like on Earth, but they blew right past that. China, Saudis and the gulf states are the only ones trying to do the terraforming sci-fi stuff.

      • quarrk [he/him]
        8 hours ago

        Even Antarctica is far more habitable than Mars. It’s warmer (usually) and you can breathe the air.

      • Ivysaur [she/her]
        9 hours ago

        They know they are killing it all here and they want to move on to killing the next thing.

        • Z_Poster365 [none/use name]
          9 hours ago

          even a completely "dead" and polluted Earth is 100 times more hospitable and easily repaired than trying to terraform Mars

      • TankieTanuki [he/him]
        11 hours ago

        I'm releasing my white paper for the HyperDyson X. This ingenious technology will be powering the entire planet within two years. Preorder today for 420 thousand dogecoin.