So I live in a part of the US where I haven't seen more than 2 or 3 people wear a mask (outside of a protest I went to) in the past two years. Its genuinely just not done here. I will wear a mask if I feel a under the weather or my allergies are acting up but typically don't wear one. Should I? Would it help? Do y'all wear one everytime you go out?

As I understand it masks don't prevent you from getting sick as much as they prevent you from getting others sick. Is this correct?

  • JoeByeThen [he/him, they/them]
    19 minutes ago

    N95Gang says masks are sexy and functional!

    I always wear an N95 and use a nasal spray when I got out in public indoor spaces and the rare times I have to do the outdoor crowds. I also wear an N95 at home because I live with family who after Covid swung wildly back towards being total germ cultists and spending months at a time sick with "allergies." Despite them passing their "allergies" back and forth like trading cards for months at a time, I haven't caught a communicable disease since I started masking full time a couple years ago.🤞

  • Barx [none/use name]
    7 hours ago

    You should mask up in public indoor spaces and crowded outdoor spaces. Wear at least a KN95. This significantly protects you from COVID.

    Others wearing masks would be better but this doesn't mean masks won't protect you. You should try to get COVID as few times as possible to reduce the chances of complications. It will also help protect people around you, particularly the immunocompromised.

  • barrbaric [he/him]
    6 hours ago

    Echoing the others to say that wearing an *N95 will provide some protection to you, as well as those around you. I wear one every time I'm indoors in public spaces or outside in large crowds.

  • ButtBidet [he/him]
    8 hours ago

    High quality respirators, especially KN95s and even better are N95s, protect you considerably. I haven't been sick since 2019.