I fuck myself over by sharing things I don’t need to, and being too honest regarding those things. Sucks that it took this for me to finally learn my lesson. I’ve really fucked myself over this way.

Couple months ago I was sent $4K by someone who just wanted me to be happy. I had literally never in my entire life had money to spend like that. It was a once in a lifetime kind of thing—I know that all too well now.

I almost bought a really fucking nice Jeep Grand Cherokee, with tags good for a whole year, already passed DEQ. Then I listened to a friend who said I should buy a car made by a Japanese company (Honda, Toyota, etc.). So the opportunity passed and never repeated itself. It was only $1,700.

I didn’t spend it all on drugs. I spent maybe a quarter of it just helping my friends out—I sent $400 to an old friend who’s homeless in Austin, TX; I ordered a fuck ton of DoorDash for my friends and I.

I also wasted a lot of it. I’d go buy something stupid, break it or lose it and buy another one. I was careless.

I loved being, for a brief moment in time, like my friends who have seemingly endless money either from rich parents or ripping off Uncle Sam.

It’s my dream to be some sort of content creator—I’ve always had a thing for writing that’s never been executed beyond just like, a private hobby. Like an old friend of mine who draws and makes art and doesn’t really show anyone. Making videos or whatever, too. That’d be cool. Then I can live off Patreon (even if it isn’t much, I’d still be happy—the things I hate about being homeless aren’t the being homeless part, per se).

I believe I deserve a second chance and I know that if I were given one, I would be way more responsible.

But that’s never going to happen. Everyone knows what a fuck up I am now and as winter approaches, I’m legit scared.

I’m sorry.

I’m not trying to fuel my drug abuse and party and shit (tbh right now I don’t even need money for that bahaha). Meth is fucking lame and I hate it anyways.

I just want my knees to stop hurting like fuck whenever I stand up and sit down. I want this brain fog I get from not eating to clear. I want a cozy sleeping bag, clean clothes and facial cleanser. I want to fill in these sunken cheeks and smooth this dry nasty skin. I want to be able to just chill and read or sew or something instead of trying to find breakfast at 4PM. I just want to have a life again.

  • Skeleton_Erisma [they/them, any]
    1 day ago

    One of my goals when my bus driver job settles in is helping out more in this com. Hb is great and I love y'all tho I've been financially hand to mouth in the meantime so sometimes I ask for aid but I mostly bump in the aid section.

    No one should feel like a burden for needing assistance


        • wtypstanaccount04 [he/him]
          10 hours ago

          Thank you for your service! deng-salute Out of curiosity, do you get to drive a trolleybus or a diesel bus?

          • Skeleton_Erisma [they/them, any]
            9 hours ago

            The agency I'm working for has diesel buses

            Though there are some battery, hydrogen, and hybrid units but no trolleybus

            shrug-outta-hecks kitty-cri-potato

            • wtypstanaccount04 [he/him]
              9 hours ago

              Is driving a bus fun? I've thought about doing it before but to me it looks kind of boring.

              • Skeleton_Erisma [they/them, any]
                8 hours ago

                At this moment I've only started training so I haven't picked up passengers or drove any lines yet (what they would call revenue service).

                It's intimidating at first having to not only pre-trip inspect but drive a giant 40 foot long boi- soon they'll start having us practice on 60 foot bendy buses.

                I've come to really appreciate buses because of the complex process to start and drive them, it's very involved.

                Though when I first enter revenue service, I'll be doing frag runs which means each day will have different scheduling in both time of day and route I'd be driving.

        • moondog [he/him]
          13 hours ago

          Thank you for your service to society rat-salute-2
          I don't always say thank you to the bus driver verbally when I get off the bus but I always think it