Like the episode about the luddite who stranded a group of people on a planet, forcing them to resort to primitivism to discover their "lost humanity" and casually murdering a few people in the process because "sacrifices had to be made". There is the standard "marketplace of ideas" battle between Sisko and the luddite; Sisko won't bend to her will, she pretends to hold the moral highground, yada yada. It's revealed that the leader was restricting their tech the whole time and could have saved those people, yet no one is mad. They're all like, "yeah that sucks but look at this great life we've built with sticks and herbs!" The episode ends with this psycho smiling and beaming aboard a ship with Sisko and O'Brien, presumably to go to jail. And the lesson here is "moral superiority wins the day, no further justice is needed."

Are you fucking kidding me?!!

edit: it's come to my attention that it gets better. fingers crossed.