This is from a report put out by the Transitional Integrity Project, a "bipartisan group of over 100 current and former senior government and campaign leaders, academics, journalists, polling experts and former federal and state government."

In actuality, the project is all Democrats or "Never Trump" Republicans, including:

  • John Podesta, former White House Chief of Staff
  • Donna Brazile, former Democratic National Committee Acting Chair
  • Michael Steele, former chair of the Republican National Committee
  • Max Boot, journalist
  • David Frum, journalist

This is not a joke. Liberal media has been covering this story and linking to this article [1] [2] [3] But they only mention the parts about Trump refusing to concede.

Right-wing media is talking about this angle, where Biden refuses to concede. Workers must have a full understanding of what is going on, so we can prepare & respond to the coming months.

I know some people here will be like, "oh that can't be right, aren't Democratic and Republicans on the same team." No, they are not. They both want to crush any working class power, but there are serious contradictions within the bourgeois class.

One faction of the bourgeoisie wanted to slowly contain China & Russia through building exclusionary trade agreements (TPP) and maintaining relationships with Europe. This would build towards world war at a slower pace. They see war with China & Russia right now as suicide for their class.

Another faction want to crush China & Russia immediately because they recognize the rate at which these two nations are building their productive base. They see a war later down the line as harder to win.

As the contradiction of capitalism heightens, and the American Empire fumbles under Trump, the former faction is under more and more pressure to act. Their "Russian collusion" plan and impeachment failed tremendously.

Now we are in a position where neither faction will recognize the election results, which will likely be the end of "liberal democracy" in the US.

  • the_river_cass [she/her]
    4 years ago

    if Trump has a dominating win, yeah. but you're looking at the democratic party as something other than an organ of the bourgeoisie and treating the apparent weakness of their political coalition like it's materially real.

    as always, this comes down to economic trends, and it's the same economic trends that have been driving this for 40 years except covid accelerated it all and dumped the worst consequences on us all at once. for the big bourgeoisie, they're happy and fine as long as they can profit, which means extracting wealth from the lower classes.

    this crisis has left the working classes without much wealth left to suck up and left the already weak petit-bourgeoisie completely exposed. so one faction of the bourgeoisie is sucking that marrow out of the bone. but the rate of profit is virtually zero right now and we're at the point where major businesses are collapsing, energy has basically negative futures, etc.. so finance, the banks, major tech companies like Amazon and Google, they're all doing very well and instability is their biggest risk.

    so if Trump wins in a convincing enough way that everyone can pretend it's all fine, it will be, at least as far as they're concerned. but a split outcome or a close Trump win is not stabilizing and things look poised to devolve fast and so they'll do what they're floating here and try to seize the state to apply their own stabilizing force. the organ by which they'll do this is the democratic party and that's what this report is talking about.

    on the other hand, if it's a Biden victory - stability is bad when it allows your enemies to consolidate and you're in the weaker position. so the segment of the big bourgeoisie that are on the verge of losing their status and power have every incentive to fight that as hard as they can. it's less Trump good for the other side and more chaos is opportunity.

    as usual in these games they've forgotten about the rest of us and they've bought their own bullshit about the strength/durability of their own coalitions (they'll collapse immediately after the collapse of the state) so they're taking a blind step off a cliff.