We're all saving you a seat in virtue signal hell.

  • Blurst_Of_Times [he/him,they/them]
    4 years ago

    It's good as pushback against the inevitable "guys maybe we should vote for biden" shit takes, which imo are ten times more annoying.

  • stevaloo [they/them, she/her]
    4 years ago

    True, pointing out every time the Democratic party reneges on flagship policies is getting pretty exhausting.

  • TossedAccount [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I might agree with this sentiment if not for the fact that the housebroken lesser-evilist/harm-reduction mindset is still so prevalent among left-leaning liberals who would 100% vote for a socialist party if we had one big enough to override concerns about the spoiler effect. We have to help build that party by sinking roots into the US working class, tethering the most politically-active elements of trade union membership with the most effective socialist orgs and activist orgs, especially those immune to the Dem/lib infiltration/sabotage and opportunist NGO/bourgie-idpol pressures.

    There are two, maybe three distinct currents within the "Menaker pledge" to never vote Dem or GOP again: one which recognizes the necessity to support left-independent candidates and to put forward independent socialist candidates when possible, while continuing to organize electoral politics; another arguably opportunist position which might recognize the importance of building an independent left-wing party but which might overlook the importance of extra-electoral organizing;and another arguably ultraleft abstentionist position which suggests that engaging in electoral campaigns against at all is a waste of time, while placing full emphasis on non-electoral organizing

    Howie Hawkins, who hopefully belongs to the first current but may be in danger of falling for the second without intervention, has argued for the necessity for this sort of coalition-building beyond the limitations of the Green Party, acknowledging the necessity to do so from the "bottom-up", with an actual mass dues-paying membership based among the disenfranchised working class, rather than the "top-down" approach taken by the Dems and GOP: https://isreview.org/issue/107/case-independent-left-party