• Phosphophyllite [she/her]
            4 years ago

            Waht can i say more than that people should have control over the means of production. Remember what happened to USSR? Do you not get any cognitive disconance when defending authritarian states?

                    • Phosphophyllite [she/her]
                      4 years ago

                      What are you supposed to be then do you give "critical support" to european states the same way?

                          • Phosphophyllite [she/her]
                            4 years ago

                            All those articles about capitalists manipulating how poverty is defined.

                            It feels to me like china has a point that socialism can’t be won whilst everyone doesn’t have an iphone

                            What the fuck is that supposed to mean? People shouldnt be allowed to participate in other peoples technological advances?

                            . Humans like possessions, so if we wanna win as socialists, and to make the capitalist mode of production obsolete (which is the only way any mode of production has died out)

                            you contradicted yourself immediatly >humans like posessions . Capitalism replaced the late feudal mode of production because the middle class got too strong this wont happen with socialism. The proletariat do not have way to gain power electoraly like the bourgeoisie did

                        • Phosphophyllite [she/her]
                          4 years ago

                          This is all about your worldview if your brains thinks on a different plane i guess you relly just think the memes about putting revisionists against the jail were all true

              • Phosphophyllite [she/her]
                4 years ago

                America has been in crisis since the the last century and their political situation is so disconneted with the average worker that it can only lead to ruin. The chinese have only goten power and they will gain more and more they are the worlds biggest manufacturers this is all going to play out between fascist india and china. how it goes depends on EU and its allies. Too bad the chinese government has made a firewall and tries t oisolate the rest of their part of the world and 1/6 of humans living on earth maybe if they let Un in Xinyang they could atlest infulence europe

          • Phosphophyllite [she/her]
            4 years ago

            Youre using racism to deflect all criticism of authoritarian governments it wont do you any good

              • Phosphophyllite [she/her]
                4 years ago

                Beating, torturing and killing dissenters. This is all enabled by the states monopoly on violence and it all means taht no one outside the party can go against it