Are you depressed ? Talk to your friend about it. Are you depressed because you can't afford your mum's treatment ? "Don't come to me for money bruh". It frustrates me no end when I see this nonsense about not mixing finances with friendship. The lack of material understanding of suffering is so apparent in that stupid advice. Friends should exist not just to offer a shoulder to cry on, but also to lend a crutch when you have trouble walking. What conception of friendship puts one of the main drivers of despair and helplessness (financial troubles) outside the bounds of cooperation. Pretty sure the first person to say these words was a feudal lord to a peasant with whom he would otherwise enjoy a nice drink and lively conversation.

To any of my Toronto based chapos, if 100 bucks in cash can help you with something, I will be more than glad to give it to you.

  • JayTwo [any]
    4 years ago

    One example, not related to lending money, though I have those too:

    "Hey, I know housing is precarious for you. If you ever need to, let me know and I'll move you into my spare room. It's no big deal, really'

    "Hey, how's housing going?"

    "You say it's fine, but I don't believe you"

    "My doors are open"

    *finally take them up on their offer, and literally two days later*

    "You know that you can't stay here, rent free, right? Because of the neighborhood we're in, it's beyond fair if I ask you to chip in [something much more than what my old studio apartment cost]"

    Another example was someone else offering to help with school costs not covered by grants, and insisting over and over again when I said no, that's not necessary. Freaking out when I showed them everything the grant didn't cover, changing their story to "Well, I meant textbooks" and freaking out again when they saw what those cost (stem major).
    I think they paid $80 for the parking pass, iirc. And while technically not a loan, I gave it back to them after they held it over my head.
    So... thanks... bougie extended relatives?

      • JayTwo [any]
        4 years ago

        Yes, I've come to understand it that way.

        They like the feeling, but once it hits them that it requires some sort of actual cost, in some way, they then try to backpedal.

        But what really fucked me up isn't just that they said one nice thing offhand, and I held them to it instead of letting it drift on by.

        It's that I let those offers drift by and they kept insisting.

        Like, I am reading the situation and when people just offer nice things to make themselves feel good, I do the song and dance, and tell them thank you but I think I'm okay. Yet some people keep insisting and still don't actually mean it, though.