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  • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
    4 years ago

    They can prattle on and on about how the japanese are the ‘good asians’ and ‘have no problems with them’ for X or Y reason all they want, but it is a complete certainty that they would fully reverse that attitude if japan suddenly were the size of the PRC and had its increasing economical power.

    RIP to Vincent Chin, the Chinese man who was beaten to death in the US during the Japan scare of the 80's by two white Chuds who thought he was Japanese and therefore "stealing jobs".

    But yeah, your post is absolutely spot on. That's why when leftists disavow China for having billionaires, I always ask if they are willing to also disavow Vietnam for the same.

    I can at least respect the ones who say "yes" for intellectual consistency.