
DPD/Denver Post retracted. A security guard from a local news org was the shooter

    • purgegf [she/her]
      4 years ago

      And it is logistically impossible. If he actually tries to do that, and gets it passed into law, what's going to happen? What's really going to happen? Absolutely nothing. No one will register. No one will turn anything in. Because his entire plan is based on the NFA to enforce it. The NFA can barely register tax stamps for individual silencers in less than 300 days in normal times. They have no ability to enforce any of these bans. Deep red county sheriffs already said they are never going to comply. By the time the other crisis racking the country are dealt with enough to think about focusing on this ban, Biden's term is already up. He's gone. Nothing will be enforced. This entire gun legislation is impossible fear mongering and pandering to liberals.