i was busy when it must have happened, i cant infer by just reading memes and posting.

  • Bread_In_Baltimore [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Chud is arguing with a black man while surrounded by other chuds, some streamers and a channel 9 news guy and his security guard. The chud realizes he doesn't want to fight the black guy and walks like 3 steps away, towards the channel 9 news guys and slaps the guard in the face and then steps back, raises his can of bear mace and reaches for his vest (as if to grab a gun) with the other hand. Basically the second he sprayed he got domed by the guard.

    The security guard was a fucking Pinkerton btw, the agency that used to be the hired muscle against striking workers back in the day. They're 100% a ghoulish right wing mercenary company, which makes this funnier as chuds were pissing and shidding themselves over ANTIFA executions. Before it came out who he was, they were speculating in their online forums that he was trained in Syria because he had good form and grip on the weapon as well as the more advanced red dot sight on his pistol. Being a Pinkerton, he was likely a veteran, especially one of their more elite units who are the main hiring pool for Private Military Contractors, which would explain this stuff.

    Tl;dr a chud got got by a mercenary after assaulting him

    • GnastyGnuts [he/him]
      4 years ago

      "they were speculating in their online forums that he was trained in Syria because he had good form and grip on the weapon as well as the more advanced red dot sight on his pistol"

      lol that's like the comments on street fight videos wherever anybody elbows somebody, "He must have trained Muay Thai!" It's not that special to be able to hold a gun correctly or buy a laser sight lol

    • hauntingspectre [he/him]
      4 years ago

      This is an excellent summary.

      Some chuds are still flailing to call him "Antifa", but honestly they're not getting any real traction. Particularly because they assume everyone else is as ignorant as they are and that no one else knows the history of the fucking Pinkertons

      • anthm17 [he/him]
        4 years ago

        You mock but have you tried to buy any gear lately

        Fucking unobtainium.

        • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
          4 years ago

          Certain types of cheaper ammo and cheaper guns are hard to find, but I haven't found any shortage of accessories.

          And we should call them "accessories" instead of "gear" to piss off chuds.

    • buh [she/her]
      4 years ago

      Before it came out who he was, they were speculating in their online forums that he was trained in Syria because he had good form and grip on the weapon as well as the more advanced red dot sight on his pistol.

      Do chuds think owning a gun and knowing how to use it is some kind of superpower and not something any random person (ie civilians) can do with a bit of cash and spare time? It's like whenever they find out someone who's not on Their Side can be gun savvy too, their whole world is turned upside down.

      • Bread_In_Baltimore [he/him]
        4 years ago

        They were saying that antifa are all "limp wristed genderfluid f*gs" that know nothing about guns. Remember, their conception of what the left is like is completely bonkers. They think that BLM-Antifa is a paramilitary terrorist organization funded by George Soros to do the bidding of the Democrat Party but it's also made up of scrawny sissies that hate guns and think fighting is toxic masculinity. So when they see someone holding their gun thumb forward, in a proper stance with wide footing and bent knees they assume they've had formal training through police or military.

      • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
        4 years ago

        It’s like whenever they find out someone who’s not on Their Side can be gun savvy too, their whole world is turned upside down.

        Another great reason to buy a gun.

      • anthm17 [he/him]
        4 years ago

        I mean the guy is a Pinkerton. it's not crazy to think he could have been in the military at some point. I'd imagine they recruit heavily from the military for this sort of protection work.

    • anthm17 [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Pinkerton's are so infamous that the government passed the anti-pinkerton act to stop hiring them.
