It's a tricky prospect, trying to balance hate speech and distinguishing it from someone simply expressing bad thoughts.

I guess I'm someone who came with a lot of poor, preconceived notions, and it took some time, patience, and radicalizing to arrive where I am today.

I've had some pretty awful takes over the years and said insensitive things, but it's other comrades who turned me on to better ideas.

    • ErasingTransPeopleIs [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Please explain how it's against the rules to tell a trans woman they have a right to be heard and not dismissed as a cishet man for having a differing opinion?

      And of course you're not gonna reverse any of those bans and probably gonna ban me, but just letting you know your whole ass is showing.

        • ErasingTransPeopleIs [none/use name]
          4 years ago

          Making a post, expecting it to be ignored since that's typically how Redditors behave.

          But please explain, if you "don't think that's what's happening there", what rule was broken? Is asking someone not to lie about what you said breaking a rule? Is expressing an opinion that some people are too aggressive and unwelcoming with their insults breaking a rule? Is saying trans women with differing opinions deserve to be heard breaking a rule?

          I'm fascinated to hear how any of those posts breaks any rules aside from "getting too uppity".

        • ErasingTransPeopleIs [none/use name]
          4 years ago

          Made a post, and not a single mod could produce a single evidence of transphobia from the accounts in question. Not even a bad example, literally couldn't provide anything.

          Then locked the thread when it was clearly they had no evidence to produce.

          Cowardly, petty shit. The Chapos were right about the sub; you nerds are way to petty and needlessly vindictive to be anything but a detriment to the leftist movement.

          Peace, have fun with your next idiotic circle firing squad.

      • ErasingTransPeopleIs [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        Also going to point out that I know for a fact at least one of those people you banned is a PoC, but we all know how happy white Reddit mods are to throw their authority at brown people who get too uppity. Some habits don't die, huh?