• Amorphous [any]
    4 years ago

    Bernie's like three hundred years old, let the man rest

    What he showed us is that there really, truly is a great portion of America open to trying to create a better world. Most of them are libs, most of them have really shit opinions on a lot of stuff, but they can be reached and they can be educated and they can be allies. We've got a hell of a job ahead of us, but it's possible.

    But it's not gonna be Bernie that gets us there

    • modsarefascist [he/him]
      4 years ago

      IDK, the main thing his runs have showed me is how unbelievably powerful the national news media is. They say it and soon enough it becomes "reality".

      The biggest thing that could possibly be done to help America would be to strengthen independent media outlets, like TYT, Democracy Now, Majority report, etc. If as many people were watching those as were watching Rachel Maddow do 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon Putin every night then we might get some progress. Trying to get libs to jump straight into a fully socialist news (if any exists) wouldn't work, but the liberal left would.