From this comment thread

On top of all that America also just actively persecutes queer people. People will say "oh that's just the republicans" as if that isn't half the country and it's not just the republicans, but a large group of democrats. Then they'll say "oh, but we're not as bad as [enemy of the week]" which funnily enough is actually a whatabouterismerino, but also not really a valid argument if you're saying it's okay to bomb a country if they're mean to queer people. So it's okay to be kinda mean to queer people?

On top of that there's also the fact that some of the US' closest allies are countries like Saudi Arabia, not to mention the many far right anti-lgbtq dictators the state has installed over the years.

On top of that the US has only recently gotten "good" on queer rights. Homosexuality wasn't decriminalised in the whole of the US until 2003 (and we're not talking some weird little forgotten law, it wasn't until a supreme court decision forced several states to finally stop being bigoted.)
At the same time the GDR had decriminalised homosexuality by 1957 and with constitutional reform fully legal by 1968 GDR-emblem
The GDR did this despite inheriting the nazis legal code (according to a wikipedia source which I will not fact check.)
Would it have been acceptable, nay morally right, for the GDR to bomb the US?

honecker-interesting definitely, but not just because of da gays

  • ComradeMonotreme [she/her, he/him]
    5 hours ago

    Your pedantic legalist lib will point out that just because the laws were on the book in those states, you have to look at the case law about when the last time someone was prosecuted and whether a conviction would be actually upheld. WITHOUT APPLYING THAT SAME LENSE TO OTHER "BAD" COUNTRIES.

    When you compare Iran versus Saudi Arabia, both have a lot of crimes punishable by death, but Iran does it sparingly (still not good) and Saudi Arabia goes wild executing hundreds every year.

  • GnastyGnuts [he/him]
    7 hours ago

    Maybe I'm overemphasizing the issue, but I think developing a rhetorical solution to pink imperialism is one of the most important immaterial (as in "not industrial sabotage or something cool or actually useful") goals for anti-imperialists currently.

    I don't fully know what makes the "x-ethnic group hates gays so let's purge them from the land" so compelling. For me it just triggers an error log.

    • generalizing an entire population to be homophobic is straightforwardly bigoted in itself

    • If you bomb any large enough quantity of civilians, you are bound to kill many gay people in your allegedly pro-gay crusade

    • to my knowledge, there are no types of bombs that specifically spare the lives of gay people or their sympathizers, or any that specifically target homophobes

    • even gay people who survive direct bombings will suffer as everyone else does from destroyed infrastructure that they depended on

    • to the extent that things were already horrible for gay people in Gaza prior to October 2023, they were mostly a product of Gaza in general being horrible to live in because they were trapped in a giant concentration camp under israel's thumb

    • israel itself is not even pro-gay enough to have legalized gay marriage, so it's silly to talk them up like they're crusading for gay rights when they can't even be bothered with basic shit like that domestically

    • most of these dickheads invoking this talking point are straight and cisgendered, and would be fine watching every LGBT person in america being shoveled into a fucking furnace if they thought it was necessary to preserve their comfort (based on their reactions to the Dems showing complete disregard for Palestinians being brutalized and genocided, the concerns of arab and Muslim americans on Palestine, moving rightward on immigration, etc.)

    • AfterthoughtC - he/
      5 hours ago

      For me it's that 'x ethnic group are mostly bigots so they deserve to be genocide/ oppressed' is that it is just good victim bad victim argument. That they only want to extend aid (or rather like the idea of extending aid) to 'cute' or 'cuddly' or 'tragic' victims but their solidarity will disappear (or rather their lack of solidarity will reveal itself) if you refuse to fit that mould. For example a trans person in the imperial core who refuses to allow their identity to be used to spread colonial propaganda even when they are short of funds. Or a gay indigenous person who wants to attack their colonisers.
      I'm neither Igbo nor a women but seeing this pink and purplewashing makes me appreciate Things Fall Apart did not shy away from showing Igbo misogyny/ more conservative elements. I can't say if it was good representation but I think it was important they showed it since it does help push across the idea that native misogyny etc. is not an excuse for 'civilising' their society.
      On Okonkwo's fundamentalism, yes it is bad. But he was also one of the only few people at the start who wanted to force the colonisers out of their land first. It can be read as a statement on how societies under attack end up with very reactionary and rigid rulers in response because they are the only ones that do something so even if you hate their actions you realise that criticising them and only them is a very chauvinistic way of analysing the situation. Kind of like how people only criticise the homophobia but not actions done by imperial countries that make them see LGBT rights as not just immoral but a security threat like 'blackmailing their local queers into becoming informants' or 'painting rainbow flags on the bombs they drop onto the country'.

  • Azarova [they/them]
    8 hours ago

    If it weren't for that SC decision, I'm 10,000% convinced it still be illegal to be queer in half the country

    • Belly_Beanis [he/him]
      7 minutes ago

      Make no mistake, the SC will overturn gay marriage if they think they can. They will outlaw trans people's entire existence, too. The only thing preventing these from happening are lower courts not kicking things up to the SC.

      They'd do the same with slavery and Jim Crow if they weren't terrified of open rebellion led by a black vanguard.

  • AcidSmiley [she/her]
    9 hours ago

    It's funny how literally every single org, pundit, party and news outlet that tells me how much Palestinians supposedly hate me is also hell-bent on making my life as a trans person as hard as they possibly can, and by funny i mean i want to send in the mfing tanks.

    • REgon [they/them]
      9 hours ago

      Really is funny when chuds pull out that card
      "Palestinians hate queer people!"
      "You're right, we should arm all trans people and let them kill homophobes on sight"
      wojak-nooo That's not at all the same you're doing a false equivalencarinoooo

      Elect me as your president and I will ensure all trans people are allowed to kill one bigot a day, two if they have a tummy ache

    10 hours ago

    Liberals be like peaceful protest is the only way to make progress unless of course the country is run by brown people in which case you should bomb it until none of them are left breathing and send white people to live in their homes once theyre gone.

    • REgon [they/them]
      10 hours ago

      👏 Kill 👏 Bigots 👏 But 👏 Not 👏 Here 👏

      👏 Here 👏 We 👏 Debate 👏 Them 👏 In 👏 The 👏 Marketplace 👏 Of 👏 Ideas 👏 And 👏 Then 👏 Work 👏 With 👏 Them 👏 And 👏 We 👏 Are 👏 Also 👏 Bigots 👏 Ourselves 👏 So 👏 Bigots 👏 Vote 👏 For 👏 Us 👏

  • FunkYankkkees [they/them, pup/pup's]
    9 hours ago

    Would it have been acceptable, nay morally right, for the GDR to bomb the US?

    It would be morally right for 90% of the world to bomb the USA, turnabout is fair play

  • ashinadash [she/her]
    9 hours ago

    "Nato queers" and other kinds of imperial bootlickers are not people I respect.

  • RoabeArt [he/him]
    9 hours ago

    Ohio repealed Sodomy laws and decriminalized same-sex relations 30 years before a very large part of the rest of the country did. It's sad how the chuds took over since then.

  • queermunist she/
    11 hours ago

    Israel blackmails queer Palestinians into becoming collaborators by threatening to out them to their families and community.

    • TomBombadil [he/him, she/her]
      9 hours ago

      They also shoot them after watching them fuck via the scope of a sniper rifle.

      Real pro LGBTQ guys over there

    • Sinister [none/use name, comrade/them]B
      9 hours ago

      They also blow them up, starve them, shoot them, steal their lands and genocide them. Or do they stop each one and ask them to come out?

    • REgon [they/them]
      11 hours ago

      They also kill them with bombs along with all the other palestinians

    • REgon [they/them]
      10 hours ago

      I didn't want the bot I asked for to do friendly fire, like some sort of Frankenstein

      • GoodGuyWithACat [he/him]
        9 hours ago

        Bots can be annoying even when well intentioned. It's worse on /r/the deprogram, if you have a thread of Ukraine or China you have to scroll past a massive wall of text several times.

        • REgon [they/them]
          9 hours ago

          Hey check this out Amber whataboutism volcel police

          Edit: I messed up the spelling of whataboutism deeper-sadness

          • VOLCEL_POLICE [it/its]B
            9 hours ago



            نحن شرطة VolCel.بناءا على تعليمات الهيئة لترويج لألعاب الفيديو و النهي عن الجنس نرجوا الإبتعاد عن أي أفكار جنسية و الحفاظ على حيواناتكم المنويَّة حتى يوم الحساب. اتقوا الله، إنك لا تراه لكنه يراك.


  • Tomboymoder [she/her, pup/pup's]
    11 hours ago

    I mean blue state liberals would be fine with bombing texans I feel, just look at how they respond to natural disasters.

    • REgon [they/them]
      11 hours ago

      I'd like to think they'd miss Michigan though

  • regul [any]
    11 hours ago

    There was a news story out around ten years ago about how cops in Baton Rouge, Louisiana were still arresting gay people under sodomy laws even though they knew those laws had been made unconstitutional and legally unenforceable.

  • Collatz_problem [comrade/them]
    10 hours ago

    The GDR did this despite inheriting the nazis legal code

    GDR actually used Weimar Republic legal code, because it refused to recognize legitimacy of Nazi Germany.

    • REgon [they/them]
      10 hours ago

      Lmao of course, never trust a word natopedia says

      • Sinister [none/use name, comrade/them]B
        9 hours ago

        They love doing it. In west germany the propaganda still is that the east was uniquely still polluted by nazism and that nazism continued under the name of communism.

        While in the west, they were taught democracy by the United States.

        • REgon [they/them]
          9 hours ago

          There were more Nazis in government in the west after the war, the fucking audacity lmao

    • REgon [they/them]
      10 hours ago

      I just felt like Texas made the title more punchy, don't know why. What do you think? Alternatively I could have just written "most of the US"

      • SacredExcrement [any, comrade/them]
        10 hours ago

        Oh, it was less a serious criticism and more a very disappointing revelation I had as I looked at the map lmao

        ed: also, what is going on with Missouri

        ed ed: Apparently, only the part of Missouri governed by a certain court of appeals decriminalized it in 1999, the rest of the state did not until 2003. Very serious country and legal system

        • REgon [they/them]
          10 hours ago

          Hey I always appreciate feedback. I was also afraid that if I wrote "the south" some umm achually dork would correct me that technically [state] didn't decriminalise sodomy, but it did decriminalise female homosexuality or some other pedantic detail like that.

          Turns out it seems to be the other way around, despite decriminalising it, persecution continued. Who would have guessed? I certainly wouldn't have guessed the police decided to just continue to punish people under actually unconstitutional laws (genuinely, that baton rouge thing is wild to me.)