What the fuck is that dome? This is the guy (Speer) wehraboos tell me was the best architect who ever lived? He can't even do neoclassicism properly lmao. The rest of the city looks like shit too.

Also mussolini tried some weird combo of stripped classicism and modernism and it looks real dumb. Like pick one or the other dude. Oh wait, Il Duce's too busy hanging off a meathook to listen to me.

  • mick_nullen [he/him]
    4 years ago

    It would definitely suck to live in and habitability should be the primary goal of architecture but I'm not gonna deny there is a certain amount of grim spectacle to Speer's work. It reminds me of the MG42 and the design of Nazi weapons, which were all designed to instill panic so I guess this is weaponized architecture designed to instill dread. The setting's art style from the Wolfenstein reboot was arguably the strongest character in the series, especially with The Old Blood's Castle Wolfenstein.

    anyways imagine if the communists won in the 20s and Gropius didn't cuck the Bauhaus architects RIP