

  • stellar [they/them]
    4 years ago

    Yes. In terms of CA Park Rangers specifically (and not just anyone who works at a park), they are called "law enforcement" and are required to go through academy training similar to police. I'm sure the day to day differs wildly depending on the park location, but that doesn't change the fact that their job description has historically been "peace officers".

    I only know this because I wanted to be one until I read up on the history and current requirements of the role.

    • Puggo [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Yeah, my wife is a county park ranger here in CA and she had to go through some park ranger academy ran by the county, along with getting POST certified, so it's definitely a peace officer position. I'm a bit biased, since I'm not trying to hate on my own wife, but I really don't see them entirely in the same light as police officers, since the culture with these county park rangers seems to be they want to maintain the conservation/interpretive role of park rangers as opposed to the enforcement side. But then, maybe that's what I tell myself to avoid causing any serious issues.