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  • PorkrollPosadist [he/him, they/them]
    4 years ago

    Language is what we make of it. I imagine if enough users want it, it can be added back. As a cishet I have no horse in this race beyond not wanting to enable people to be problematic. From my personal experience, the catboy/catgirl thing is fraught. The user who proposed it was a long time troll, but on the other hand I have a close trans internet friend who leans strongly into the cat thing, and I have seen others do it as well - so it is something I have seen happen outside of this website. I suppose there is a whole nuanced debate about where you draw the lines between gender identity, sexuality, and fetish, and self-image. Like, we have furry comrades. Does that fall on the spectrum of gender identity? I don't think so - at least, not exactly. It seems to me like its own spectrum which has some overlaps, but some distinctions as well.

    The goal in my opinion should be to make everyone comfortable, but sexuality and gender are pretty complex subjects with some disagreements even within the various subcommunities which make up the LGBTQIA front. As long as the cost to accommodate people is low and nobody is harmed (setting aside the cishet crybabies who have nothing to lose), making these accommodations should be a no-brainer. When there are disagreements, I hope we can foster a productive discussion and advance our understanding of the underlying issues.