“People who design machines and airplanes {or buildings}, no matter how much they believe that what they do is good, the winds of time eventually turn them into tools of industrial civilization. They’re cursed dreams. Animation, too. Beautiful yet cursed dreams.”

― Hayao Miyazaki

  • truth [they/them]
    4 years ago

    Miyazaki's work is so fundamental to the way I think about a lot of things. I think he literally shaped my dreams / / the form that my dreams take. I am sympathetic to anti-civ / anprim shit, because, yes, ultimately machinery and industry has produced mostly suffering and destruction of nature. Sadly, though, I think the only way out is through. We're looking down the barrel of 6C of warming by the end of the century. We can't go back to our natural environment, we have totally destroyed it. That world is gone forever. There's really no winding back this process. Once the methane has all released and broken down into carbon again, I think we will be able to start some sort of large scale carbon capture and maybe bring levels down safely after a century or two. That's all in the long term of course. We also, I think, don't need to touch on the size of the current human population in proportion to its relative natural carrying capacity, which even under good environmental conditions, likely far exceeds what it is capable of, even if you don't strictly stick to a hunter-gatherer economic system and implement some sort of low-carbon, low intensity agriculture, like even if you do feudalism with modern science and no lords, you still can't feed and house and give a place to shit to everyone. We're probably gonna have to live largely artificially soon, certainly in some places that's already the case for certain times of year.

    All this needs a lot of energy ⚡ but that's okay because we have plenty of ⚛ fissible ⚛ material