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  • GizzKing [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Jesus 🛐😤 fucking 💎 christ 😇 you guys make the original 🔥🔥 subreddit look 👀 like the 🦉 fucking 😂🅱 red ❤🐷 army. I have 🎲 never 🙅🙅 met 🔛🤝 a 🏻✝ group 👥 of people ☹ more ➕🅱 contemptible than ⬆👉 you 😭 online 💻💻 in ⬅⤵ my life. 😱💓 it’s 😠🐈 like all 😀 of 👏🍞 the 👉 worst 👹🦃 posters ⬇ from the subreddit 🖥 teamed up 🏃❤ to 💦💦 make 👏 the 💯 worst forum 💰 humanly possible. you 👈 have 🚟💴 no sense 💰💟 of 🈸⛄ humor, 👏👏 you can’t 🔫 post 🖕💦 for 💕👍 shit, 👻💩 all 😡 of your 🍫👏 attempts at memes 🐃 are 🏃 pathetic. this 👇🏻 place is 🅾 so 🏫😮 toxic, ⚠ none of 😫😎 you 👧👈 guys 😟 like 😄 anything, 🙄 the ⛓ only 🙌🍗 things 🏋 you people 👨🤷 “like” 🍬☃ you like 😎 because it pisses other 💃 people off. 💏😂 we’re 🏼 running 🏽🏃 out 🍻😱 of left 👈 communities online and you just fucked 🍆 up one 😬 of the few 😋 ones 💯💯 left. 👈⚠ all 🤰💯 of 💦💅 the 🤜👏 admins are 🚟 worms. 🐍🐛 Imagine 🤔😎 if ♂⁉ the 🔚 worst mods ❤🙄 on reddit 🖕👽 were 👏 also 😨 admins. to 💦💦 the 🅱😈 last ♿✋ I 👁👁 grapple with thee; from 🏽🙃 hell’s heart ❤ I 👁 stab 🔪🔪 at 🍆😤 thee; for 😩👊 hate’s 😡 sake I ⬇👁 spit 🌊 my 😋🚔 last breath at 👌 thee chapo chat! 🙇

    and no, 🗑🌈 it’s not ✖ just 👆✔ because 💁💁 the 👩 pronoun thing, but that 😩 was 👏 the last 🙅 straw. I’ve 🚫🍑 hated 🚫❌ this ☝👈 lame-ass 🤹 place 😍⛲ for 🚟👍 months, 📆📆 but 👹😳 having 👉😸 the 👏 last ♿🕞 bit 💦😁 of 🍌💦 autonomy here (posting 😍 in this hellhole without ♀ some infantilizing bullshit 💩⬅ next to my 🙋🎂 name) 👤 forcibly stripped from 🙃 me just made 💰 me say, fuck 🍑👈 this, 🅱🔽 I deserve 🤴🤴 better than 👉 you 🅱⏰ monsters. I wanted a 👏 continuation on 🔛 /r/chapotraphouse and 🚫 this godforsaken place ⛲😻 is 💦🚋 not 🚫🚫 like 🔥🔥 that at all. 💯🥜 even ☠ compared to 👉 it’s 💯💯 awful 😡😡 final 🌠 months it 💁 pales in 📥😏 comparison. so seeya, guess I’ll 🙋 have to find 🔍 another 🤒🏻 place 🏡😻 to 👏 post, or 🍆😇 actually do 💪👉 something in 👏 real life. bye!