Hey everyone, I've removed bans for everyone that did not request one in the previous admin thread. (I think. If you got banned and I didn't restore your account yet, let me know and I'll fix it.) Don't worry! We're not gonna just ban people for no reason.

In case anyone hasn't seen it yet, Alaskaball confirmed that Sangria was their admin alt. They were messing around with their admin tools on their own account and figured it would be seen as a funny bit, but without being informed of the bit many of the mods and admins were just as shocked, confused, and appalled as you were. I've talked to the other admins and mods, and we're all gonna take it easy on bits for a bit. (Pun intended. This is the last one, I promise.)

If you're afraid that there's been an infiltration of transphobic, egomaniacal wrecker mods who hate the users, I want to assure you that's absolutely not the case. The overwhelming majority of mods and admins on this site are trans. Our admins are all trusted, long-time users in good standing. We regularly browse, comment, and post on our main accounts. You post and chat with us daily as comrades, and we value all of you. You may not recognize the usernames on our admin accounts because we regularly swap the alts used for admin privileges. This is why you'll see really old or unused alt accounts as well as really new accounts on the admin team.

I've seen a lot of speculation down below, some entertaining, some upsetting. We absolutely do not accept transphobia or any form of bigotry on this site. Some of the statements provided by mods and admins have been seen as transphobic and bioessentialist. I want to offer some transparency, but also clarify that I can't get much more specific on this for personal security reasons.

During the earlier discussions on how we felt things could be improved with these communities, multiple trans mods and admins described their reasoning in favour of the change by expressing with a variety of wording that it's the [he/him] demographic in particular that has been the source of toxic and troubling behavior in the tanks. That the he/hims haven't been beating the accusations, so to speak. With that group being largely cishet white guys on this site, these two terms were assumed to roughly correlate. We weren't making prepared statements for release, the comments that got posted here were paraphrased and combined from more casual comments made by trans people, in the mod chat to mostly other trans people about some of the chauvinistic and ironically bigoted posting habits that they saw as alienating and unhealthy for the site, and what we could do to improve the situation. We genuinely didn't foresee the potential for a miscommunication of those statements as being bioessentialist, and want to extend our sincerest apologies for the misunderstanding.

Edit: Please feel welcome to post in c/gossip as you would have posted in the_dunk_tank, and in c/counterpropaganda as you would have posted in the_dredge_tank.

    • SixSidedUrsine [comrade/them]
      1 month ago

      The other threads were kept civil though. Mostly anyway, aside from the wrecker who kept making alts to harass people. That wrecker is a mod btw.

      • NewAcctWhoDis [any]
        1 month ago

        That wrecker is a mod btw.

        I've seen this thrown out a few times but is there any real evidence to it other than a similar style?

        • booty [he/him]
          1 month ago

          Well here's what I'll say. A very confrontational and aggressive mod not known for letting arguments go waded into the first struggle session in a vitriolic way, overstepped the line, and got some of their comments removed. They then immediately logged off, coinciding with the beginning of the creation of the spam alts, and have not shown themselves here for multiple days of struggle sessions despite myself and other users openly accusing them of being the one responsible for the creation of the spam alts.

          You crunch those numbers and get back to me.

          • NewAcctWhoDis [any]
            1 month ago

            Yeah, fair. I haven't actually dug into things so I'm going off what other people say.

      • Sulvor [he/him, undecided]
        1 month ago

        I was watching and read the other 3 threads on this and I think assigning blame to just one or even a few people for this entire shitshow is a bit of a stretch.

        • SixSidedUrsine [comrade/them]
          1 month ago

          Don't get me wrong, I think there is plenty of blame to be assigned broadly to a lot of mods and admins. But on this one specific issue of this person who kept making alts to harass users who were critical of the changes, that was very very likely to be the work of a single mod.

      • Lyudmila [she/her, comrade/them]
        1 month ago

        We don't believe that wrecker was a mod. Someone's name was floated out there the other day, but we were able to confirm that it was not that person.

        • SixSidedUrsine [comrade/them]
          1 month ago

          How did you confirm it? Did the mod in question just pinky promise that no it wasn't them doing the alts? And completely aside from that, can you also confirm that the mod in question is not the same person as one who was banned multiple times from hexbear in the past for being a wrecker and unable to stop harassing vegans in particular?

          I would be very glad to know it if you were in fact able to confirm that neither of these things are true. But given what I've seen and what I personally know, it would have to be seriously convincing evidence.

          • Lyudmila [she/her, comrade/them]
            1 month ago

            I know the person you are referring to, and I was able to confirm that they were busy offline and could not have been posting at that time.

            • booty [he/him]
              1 month ago

              I know this will sound unreasonable and I apologize, sometimes we're going to be unreasonable. I do not believe you. Not even a little, not for a second, not once. I feel that I have many strong reasons to disbelieve admin statements at this point and it will take a lot of work before I believe a word from any red-badge again.

              Given this admin statement I will in the future refrain from making that specific accusation again. Feel free to purge the specific comments of mine in which I leveled the accusation. But I stand by it.

              • SixSidedUrsine [comrade/them]
                1 month ago

                I don't believe it either. It's not even necessarily that I don't believe Lyudmila who may well be honest that that's what the mod in question said. But that doesn't mean I believe the mod in question. Of course she would say she was busy and offline and was not making alts to harass users when asked if that's what she was doing. There are several places in this chain where you can disbelieve what's being reported. I don't believe it for one second either. It's also telling that half of my question wasn't even acknowledged, let alone answered. To me, that's pretty much confirmation that not only is this mod that same banned wrecker from months ago, but that the mods are aware of this, accept it, and keeping it quiet.

                • booty [he/him]
                  1 month ago

                  To articulate a bit further, there are two possibilities I deem plausible.

                  1. The wrecker in question is the mod.

                  2. The wrecker in question wants to frame the mod.

                  In option 2, the wrecker in question would have to be aware that the mod (currently engaged in a struggle session and getting more heated with each post) has suddenly been called away for an offline engagement where they will be unable to vouch for themselves for multiple days.

                  Even if we accept the plausibility of option 2... That still means the wrecker was either a mod or long-standing hexbear user. Because it would have to be someone who has that kind of personal connection to the mod AND the knowledge of how to frame them for ableism and transphobia on hexbear.

                  • Lyudmila [she/her, comrade/them]
                    1 month ago

                    The mod who was accused often has limited internet access on weekends and I was able to confirm that she literally hasn't had internet access since Friday and still doesn't. I had to get in touch offline.

              • Gribbli@lemmygrad.ml
                1 month ago

                Whoever this mystery wrecker is, they've returned again. Like a hydra, for every acct felled, two alts shall take its place.

                • booty [he/him]
                  1 month ago

                  Not a hydra, remember this is a dork-ass loser. A slime, splitting in two each time you smack it.