Are you tired of spending years in big tent parties making real progress getting people on your side, only to have the bourgeois collaborators/infiltrators take over the party and purge it of socialists/communists? Are you tired of even hearing the word "vote" when it comes to the bourgeois policy/personality trade show every four years?

Hi, Billy Mays here for the world’s most successful revolutionary organizational strategy, Democratic Centralism.

Why am I smashing the bourgeois state with this hammer & sickle? To show you the amazing protection you get from Democratic Centralism!

And this hammer & sickle is real. The same party strategy was used in nearly all successful socialist revolutions in the history of the world today!

If you have a sore, tired, aching soul from years of watching unions, socialist parties, and spontaneous movements get ripped apart by COINTELPRO & the Amerikkkan state, Democratic Centralism absorbs more shocking pressure than other organizational methods. Unlike regular organizational methods that break down over time and State infiltration, Democratic Centralism is injected into the areas that provide pressure relief where you need it most – at every level of organization.

The method never breaks down. And when State pressure occurs, the members all discuss, vote, and repeat until a binding resolution has been reached. Since the Party is united in their line, the Party acts as one unbroken force and infiltrators can only reveal themselves by not following Party line. No liberal method can do that. Even after continuous pounding, these ML's don’t break.

Imagine the relief you’ll feel on all kinds of issues. No longer do you have to argue with liberals masquerading as socialists one weekend a year about the "unrealistic nature of socialism". No longer do you have to toil away at getting your Party to do something materially beneficial to the movement only for an opposing faction to cancel all of the work you've done … I’m going to run over my hand with this 6,000-pound car. That’s the power and protection of Democratic Centralism.

You deserve the comfort of Democratic Centralism. Stop spending decades on inferior organizational strategies. Remember, nothing absorbs a shock quite like Democratic Centralism.

Call now and get in touch with one of our cadres about joining our party. But that’s not all. We’ll also offer you a safety/necessities network if something happens in your life. But I’m still not done.

Call right now and we’ll double the offer. Bring a friend and we'll get you both started in our Candidacy program right away!

Here’s how to order:

Lenin - What Is To Be Done?

Biggest Dem. Cent. Party In USA

  • PhaseFour [he/him]
    4 years ago

    waves hands at the entire history of Trotskyism

    Trotskyist factions were formed in opposition to Democratic Centralism. Trotsky split from the CPSU after undermining the Party line for a decade. Of course, an organizing tradition of splitting from the Party line produces organizations which split from various parties lines.

    Movements that survive long-term tend towards the Maoist Mass Line or the Stalinist Communism In One Country nationalist approach

    Neither of these contradict Democratic Centralism. It is ahistorical to say the CPSU under Stalin or the CPC under Mao were not organized using Democratic Centralism.

    Without a powerful charismatic voice to unify a Bolshevik movement and exceptional organizing talent in the mid-ranks,

    Yes. Without dedicated revolutionaries, a party will fail regardless of its organization strategy.

    as well as a deeply unpopular opposition

    What? Unless you consider Western imperialism "deeply unpopular opposition", this does not really describe Democratic Centralist parties which have achieve state power. If you do consider that, then the "deeply unpopular opposition" will exist until capitalism is overthrown.

    Democratic Centrism has a hard time maintaining internal ideological consistency while also surviving external pressures.

    Every single organizing strategy succumbs to this. Democratic Centralism has proven to be the most effective organizing strategy to counteract that. International communist parties have maintain internal ideological consistencies and survived external pressures longer than any other anti-capitalist organization.