no I will not explain this one

  • GrouchoMarxist [comrade/them,use name]
    4 years ago

    I mean there's not a lot of nuance to be had about it. Plant based options require less land and resources, and a lot of plants are simply grown as animal feed. Like you can't get mad at vegans over their consumption of soy, as meat eaters outpace them on soy consumption, albeit indirectly, and then have all the added baggage of you know, eating meat. So plants > meat, end of discussion, etc

    As far as the global south in this equation, the answer (and only answer) to these discussions is "abolish capitalism". We want to end the exploitation of these people and their resources? Abolish capitalism. Want to address how shitty crop rotations are and how more diverse fields should be planted? Can't happen until you abolish capitalism. Want to encourage local staple foods, and make sure every farm is producing what local communities need to sustain themselves? Good luck doing that without abolishing capitalism.

    So really if we talk about it the takeways will be that you should pursue the most ethical habits you can for now, try to avoid meat if possible, try to grow your own shit if possible, eat local stuff if possible, and that we'll all have to wait for massive systems to be overthrown for meaningful change. Until then, there's not a lot we can individually do and any discussion about it online won't bring about material change