Like what the fuck do you even do?? Just jerk off all day until it’s time to vote? Buy a gizmo off Amazon and stare at the tracking screen until it arrives? Watch The Office for the 37th time? Shits wild

  • Baader [he/him]
    4 years ago

    They get a lot of short time rushes from buying stuff. We have to make up for it by wanking intead of voting. In all seriousness, you wouldn't believe the amount of people that are trying to build passive income in their past time... lol, passive labour.

    • BeamBrain [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I do game dev as a hobby, and I get a lot of people telling me I should try to make money off of it.

      Fuck that, I have a job for that. I will never charge a single cent for something I develop in my free time.

      • eduardog3000 [he/him]
        4 years ago

        I mean, if you can manage to make enough money not to need that job, you are basically getting the full value of your labor. Unlike at your job. I wouldn't even call it passive income since you likely would be continuing to develop updates and patches.

        Also, where tf do I start with game dev?

        • BeamBrain [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Depends on what kind of game you want to make. I recommend Godot for 2D stuff, Unity for 3D stuff. They both have extensive documentation and tutorials, so pick one and start studying.

      • AlexandairBabeuf [they/them]
        4 years ago

        how do you feel about patreon in the freeware-o-sphere? do you have one? is it problematic if the content is still free in the end?

        not to give you 50 questions but monetization and gig-economy-ing spaces that used to exclusively free is really fascinating to me and the debates still rage on the mod/game forums I frequent.

        • BeamBrain [he/him]
          4 years ago

          I don't have a Patreon, don't plan on getting one, and don't really care if someone else has one. Everyone has to decide for themselves to what extent they're comfortable with their hobby intersecting with the market. I've drawn my line where I wanted to, others can do the same.