"Do not dare question the system. The system is perfect. There is no alternative. To fight the system is to be just like those looney extremists. To sit back and let the world crumble to dust because of a paper that rich slave owners made hundreds of years ago is the only sane and normal option. You are a stupid child who deserves to be mocked for thinking otherwise."
Lmao. Yeah remember when we killed some arab dude that we funded to stop communists and that totally solved all our problems? Let's do the same with the Russian dude we funded to stop communists.
Biggest path out of liberalism is simply finding out you have principles you think are worth standing up for, and they do not.
Reminds me of a Matt Colville video recently about the Candide character Professor Pangloss. I think it's supposed to be about game design (since he's a D&D YouTuber who is currently designing a TTRPG game) but it ends up feeling extremely relevant to this political moment as well. I mean, the first thing I thought of when I watched the video was the lack of imagination of libs to consider a better system is possible, but then I'm stuck in this space so I'm thinking of politics all the time like a weirdo.
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
"if we didn't win WW2 we'd all be speaking Japanese right now.
You're from Australia, right? What a funny bit of localization for that old cliche. In the US the line is typically "we'd all be speaking German." Or was anyway, I haven't heard it in like 15 years
It's complicated but let's just say I'm from the south oceanic region. Lol. And yeah it is wild. Yeah I only remember hearing it when I was like 7
"So you mean I can watch Anime in its original language without subtitles? I can visit Tokyo and talk to the locals?"
I have never once read the words "and pray tell" without immediately picturing sharp gauntleted fingers plunging through eye sockets and into brain tissue. There's being condescending, and then there's just public masturbation.
Democrats discovering Marx's critique of democracy within The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte
The last time this place was posted here, I clicked on a thread with a story about a cop helping some guy, and everyone in the thread agreed that not all cops are bad
I'd like to thank the petri dish of crackers (and the misleaders that ran defense for them; big ups to that tapdancer bravenak [/sarc]) at DU for providing me my first radicalizing point that got me to consider "y'know what, no; I am not and will never again be a democrat" about a decade ago.
This is one of the places, though probably the main one, that radicalized me away from the Democratic party during the Obama/Clinton primary. It had been one of the three or four places that I checked out daily and read the posts pretty thoroughly. The racist vibes that were allowed to fester when Clinton and Obama were running for the presidency turned me off super hard.