I wanna rant and it feels best to put it in the dunk tank so here we are.

I'm awfully tired of 'leftists' discussing things around who is president at a given moment. Like the "who is better, Trump or Biden" type discussions, because I'm tired of repeatedly pointing out that there's a whole fucking government that enables them and there's also, idk, this little thing called the ruling class (or capital class, or whatever you want to call it).

I understand that a president is influential and shapes policy but even if we resurrected Lenin and got him into the White House things wouldn't magically get better for us. There's so many factors at play. Boiling down an entire system of oppression down to a singular (albeit important) position is actual liberal nonsense.

We can point out flaws of a president or their viewpoints but once you start blaming everything bad that happens on one singular person I want to scream. I shouldn't have to bring this up but even here I see people talk about the camps at the border like it's a uniquely Trump problem or act like Covid would magically be a non-issue under a Democratic president, and it's complete nonsense.

  • spectre [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Shaming people for voting Biden is still mindless electoralism imo. If it's someone with a platform (chomsky or someone) then maybe it's worth a discussion, or if there were some strategically beneficial option on the table. But some average random, even if they're a chapo or socialist or whatever, can do whatever they want, you know it makes no difference.

    Not exactly related to what you were saying, but I still felt like saying it lol

  • D61 [any]
    4 years ago

    I'll accept my downvotes for this pedantry...

    From where I'm sitting, if Obama and Trump have shown us any fucking thing, its that the bully pulpit still works. Unfortunately the only people to use it in my adult lifetime were Obama and Trump. Think about a President that said some Obama hopey changey shit and then ended the speech by saying take to the streets, log into Minecraft, and burn down anybody that would stand in the way of the hopey changeyness. But Obama kinda stopped pushing mass mobilization after he got the votes to take office and Trump is focused on mobilizing fash for ... attention, maybe, definitely to sell merch.