German nationalism is arguably one of the worst things to ever happen to the world. Nature intended for Germany to be divided into dozens of states that could largely be ignored.
turns out the holy roman empire was holy primarily because it was keeping the german mind occupied and divided
jingle keys in front of the kraut
As a part kraut myself, can confirm it works.
Bit idea: go mainstream with the term antizionism to combat the conflation of Judaism with zionism. Frame your argument as a militant opposition to Jews who oppose the treatment of Palestenians by saying that they are, in no uncertain terms, not zionists ("derogatory"). Therefore, how could zionism be the same as Judaism?
They're quirked up genocide experts because their grand-pappy helped do the Holocaust! Let them tell you how to defeat fascism!
Germany saw israhell doing all the lebensraum they wanted to do in the 30's and 40's and were like oh hell yea.
there is no free world without
zionismthe immediate and total destruction of germanyI feel like I'm a calipers guy, but for shit like Germans being predisposed to fascism
the germanic brainpan is predisposed to antisocial violence and ignorant reaction
I say we should infiltrate this movement and say that solidarity with Israel means a one state solution where everyone is equal and to seek justice against the treasonous war criminals in charge, but that would require Germans to be operating on principle rather than trying to look like they've moved on from their past.
You're assuming an open organization to infiltrate. This just looks like marketing and crowd work to me.
A squat is definitely an organisation that can be infiltrated. In this case they almost certainly are.
it's horrible. got a friend who turned out to be anti-deutsch and he constantly brings out the worst takes ever. they really think fascism and "evil" is a particulary german thing and everything israel being "good".
If people show up to your events with signs like this you have a duty to be so aggressive to them that they leave, destroy the signs if necessary.
That banner cost a few thousand euros, antifa hand paints signs.
There is no free world for capitalist colonizers to take without Zionism.
Everyone keeps saying Israel has done nothing to fight fascism, but what do you call this?