• EthicalHumanMeat [he/him]
    4 years ago


    This is a paper describing different back problems that exist in horses and how to diagnose them. It doesn't say anything about how riding horses always causes spinal damage or whatever. Horse racing being bad for horses and casual horse riding being bad for horses are clearly not the same thing. Taking a stroll down town or whatever on a horse isn't abuse.

    We should stop breeding animals which have been specifically designed by humans to produce some convenience for humans at the cost of their own health, safety, or comfort, absolutely. I do not like the implication made by your “driving them to extinction” idea. We fucking made them in the first place.

    We would have to intervene in a massive scale to stop them from breeding, and if their existence causes them so much suffering that they shouldn't exist, as you imply, we should also be euthanizing them. I'm not saying that's necessarily wrong (I would agree that that might be the way to go with certain breeds of animals that are real fucked up like Scottish fold cats), but also I am saying it's wrong because:

    The medical issues these egg-laying chickens face are a question of nutrients. It takes a lot of nutrients to make an egg, obviously. Left completely alone, these chickens will eat their own eggs to regain some of these nutrients. Taking them all away results in chickens facing issues resulting from lack of nutrients, like brittle bones resulting from a lack of calcium, for example.

    So feed them more calcium.

    Every species has its own dietary needs. If the chickens need more calcium to lay the eggs, feed them more calcium. It's not like wild animals are guaranteed to have their nutritional needs met.

    Chickens clearly don't suffer from just laying eggs periodically, so there clearly isn't necessarily a problem with raising them for eggs.

    Breeding animals which have medical issues as a result of some trait you have bred to use for your own purposes is fucking mistreatment.

    Ok, so the issue is with mistreatment, not some weird Kantian "using them as a mere means to an end" bullshit like your first post was putting forward.

    • Amorphous [any]
      4 years ago

      It doesn’t say anything about how riding horses always causes spinal damage or whatever.

      Good thing I never made any such claim.

      Do you use this same argument in favor of cops? "Well, not all cops rape and murder black people. Therefore cops are cool and good." Same logic. Fuck that.

      We would have to intervene in a massive scale to stop them from breeding

      lol you're so fucking stupid

      these animals would not exist in the first place without our deliberate efforts to breed them.

      if their existence causes them so much suffering that they shouldn’t exist, as you imply, we should also be euthanizing them.

      that's a dumb leap of logic and nothing like anything i have ever suggested

      Ok, so the issue is with mistreatment, not some weird Kantian “using them as a mere means to an end” bullshit like your first post was putting forward.

      The idea that animals exist to be used like objects for our own purposes is one of many thoughts which must be eradicated in a just society.

      • EthicalHumanMeat [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Good thing I never made such a claim.

        You literally did. You said,

        Riding a horse is treating it poorly. It’s not a pleasant experience. And there’s no way to do that respectfully.


        I would like to see the citations on all horses being harmed by being ridden.


        as a response, which described spinal damage "or whatever" being diagnosed in horses.

        The claim you made that just riding horses is mistreatment because it causes them medical issues is false.

        Do you use this same argument in favor of cops? “Well, not all cops rape and murder black people. Therefore cops are cool and good.” Same logic. Fuck that.

        What relation does that even have to what I was saying?

        Sometimes people have children and abuse them. It doesn't follow from that that having children is itself abusive.

        All cops are bad because of the institutional oppression that they enforce. They're not bad just because plenty of them personally and directly brutalize Black people. There are cops who haven't done that (yet), but they're still bad by virtue of their role in upholding capitalist property relations and white supremacy. The fact that a lot of them also murder black people and that the rest tolerate it is just more bad on top of the fundamental badness.

        You clearly don't understand why cops are bad. You have a liberal understanding of the institution of policing that you need to interrogate.

        It is literally true that "some of X do bad things" doesn't equal "X is always bad". Riding a horse and riding a horse in a way that hurts it are not the same thing.

        lol you’re so fucking stupid

        I think you're projecting, bud.

        these animals would not exist in the first place without our deliberate efforts to breed them.

        Yes, and people are going to continue to breed them (and lots of them will just breed on their own for a long time without us) unless there's a concerted effort to abolish that breeding. You'd need to make the case that there's something fundamentally wrong with breeding chickens to justify that. You haven't.

        that’s a dumb leap of logic and nothing like anything i have ever suggested

        Eh, you're right about that. You could just sterilize them. Or wrangle every chicken on Earth and keep them all segregated by sex?

        Anyway, the problem you pointed out with chickens is that they're bred in a way that causes them to be so unhealthy that it's wrong to make more of them. Since laying eggs is something they do automatically, and that's the cause of the problems you claim exist, you'd have to at least sterilize them to put an end to it.

        The idea that animals exist to be used like objects for our own purposes is one of many thoughts which must be eradicated in a just society.

        You still haven't made that case. You've only tried to point out specific examples of cruelty. What's wrong with raising alpacas for wool, or service dogs? In both cases we're using them just for our own purposes. Why is that a problem?

        Seems like kind of a liberal attitude, honestly.

        • Amorphous [any]
          4 years ago

          All cops are bad because of the institutional oppression that they enforce. They’re not bad just because plenty of them personally and directly brutalize Black people.

          You're so close to understanding

            • Amorphous [any]
              4 years ago

              Why? Because their suffering doesn't matter because they can't express it the way you can?

              Fuck yourself.

              • EthicalHumanMeat [he/him]
                4 years ago

                No, because it doesn't necessarily cause them suffering.

                Jesus Christ you're dense.