What kind of shit are you trying to do? A lot of the time my meds just hyperfocused me onto my hobbies or useless tasks instead, which w. as exactly what happened before except on vyvanse I was talking way too fast the whole time and distracted myself for 12 hours instead of 2. I don't have any guaranteed strategies but I always recommend that you remind yourself that you literally cannot stop yourself from having adhd, you can only overcome it but not overcoming it on a task or a day or a month doesn't mean failure, it just means you're living with a condition that makes your life harder.
What kind of shit are you trying to do? A lot of the time my meds just hyperfocused me onto my hobbies or useless tasks instead, which w. as exactly what happened before except on vyvanse I was talking way too fast the whole time and distracted myself for 12 hours instead of 2. I don't have any guaranteed strategies but I always recommend that you remind yourself that you literally cannot stop yourself from having adhd, you can only overcome it but not overcoming it on a task or a day or a month doesn't mean failure, it just means you're living with a condition that makes your life harder.