Thanks, Biden. I'm really glad you're doing petty, unjustifiable bullshit like this instead of raising the minimum wage.
Liberals really show what they care about when they're on the way out
Good point. If I was in his position I would be going on a wild red terror.
Personally, I'm glad that when I buy my Cuban Rum, I can pass out in the snow knowing that the money isn't going to Red Communist Dictators
so i have a bottle of Havana Club. i got it in Havana. i also got to tour the factory, which had cool models of how the technology and the refineries/distilleries changed over time. and the guide shared some interesting trivia. one was that sugar cane arrived for planting on the santa maria. i think it was on a subsequent trip and not the very first crossing. i knew it must have shown up as part of the general suite referred to as "The Columbian Exchange", but damn. another was that the first train to run on tracks in the western hemisphere was in cuba to haul molasses from some farm sugar cane aggregating and processing compound a few miles in the interior to the refinery for making spirits near the coast. apparently it was some totally wack/bespoke gauge financed and developed just for this use by some colonial administrator/settler type with a lot of capital. there's a train museum in Havana, but i did not get to see it.
anyway, Havana Club was a rum brand owned by a shithead industrialist from Spain. a real "captain of industry" type of latifundia / hacienda asshole. over the decades, the family enjoyed incredible political power under the comprador governments, with one of the scions even being assassinated at some point after they became the boss of the family firm. probably because he was so popular and everybody loved him, right?
anyway, after the revolution the factories, ports, fields, of this massive vertically integrated behemoth were all nationalized. the story ameroids tell is that everything was stolen from this innocent little rich family at gunpoint. and that some [gusano] manager fled to puerto rico and claimed to have the secret recipe unlike all the workers. so the one you can buy at the store in the US has the same label design, except it says "The Real Havana Club". which is hysterical, because if you have to say your shit is real, it aint. also, if you look up the natopedia article, there are these like hagiographies about how this guy supposedly treated his workers to all manner of wonderful employee benefits... benefits that 100% did not exist for cubans in cuba prior to the revolution. it also tries to paint him as this scrappy hard working go getter, but in the same sentence will talk about how a hurricane came in and ripped up his factories but "he" was able to rapidly rebuild, get production back up and running super fast. must be because he was so entrepreneurial i guess.
yeah, it was closed when I was there, tragically. one of my life's most tragically missed opportunities.
The US Havana club is made by Bacardi using “the old recipe” or something. It is objectively trash. The actual Havana club which is exported to places like Europe though a joint venture is really good
The so-called "stolen trademarks law", recently signed by U.S. President Joe Biden, "modifies the law as an aggressive measure against Cuba, with the objective, precisely, of opening the door in violation of International Law for the theft of Cuban trademarks legitimately registered in that country," denounced in x the member of the Political Bureau and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla.
In the same social network, the deputy director general of the U.S. Directorate of the Foreign Ministry, Johana Tablada, stressed that "the real intention of this maneuver is to prevent the renewal of the Havana Club trademark in the U.S., which should occur in 2026, and strip the company Cubaexport of its rights as holder of the registration before the Trademarks and Patents office."
Unlimited fireballs on trademarks and patents
going down a bunch of wikipedia articles from this revealed to me that George Washington is on record as bribing 390 voters in Virginia with almost half a fuckin' gallon of rum each
George Washington was a horrible person. Great Britain granted him and his men a bunch of land for serving in the Seven Years' War against France, and Washington secretly hired a surveyor to scout out the land so that he could take the most valuable real estate for himself and give the worthless farmland to the men who fought by his side. Absolute monster, the more I learn about him the more I hate him.
Say Mr. Lame Duck maybe you should protect vulnerable groups like trans people or undocumented persons with maximum executive action in your final months before Trump gets into office?
What's that? What you really care about aren't those vulnerable people and just want to do some reactionary shit instead to already sanctioned countries that have been under illegal oppression and embargo for half a century which Trump would agree with and could have done anyways? Oh cool. Nice to see the mask continues to slip.
Please slap liberals who claim to care about vulnerable groups with actions like these, his pardon for his son which is suspiciously all encompasses and reminiscent of the Nixon pardon and get that doubt going on whether actually maybe Democrats aren't harm reduction and won't actually fight for them.
I'm gonna laugh my ass off if I start seeing ppl in other countries talk abt avoiding American knockoffs of Cuban brands.
lol I just learned about that
Havana club is Cuban? I thought it was "Cuban" the same way you can call a pizza place in Germany an "Italian" restaurant