Yes this is about Contra, but the fact she literally only considered US citizens in her analysis is telling. Like not a single argument about foreign policy, or concern about people 30 centimetres over the border occurred to her.

And all the Dem Socialist reply guys are arguing against her on her terms. Like fucking hell, are you Internationalists or not? Fuck how large the US left is, you're fighting for the Whole Left! I understand revolt in the Imperial core is both important and difficult, but jfc!

I'm afraid I'm going third-worldist here (for values of third world that include, like, Germany and Spain.)

    • JoesFrackinJack [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Yeah dude, he would be like, "Donald Trump want's to leave Iraq! Well, not me, Jack—I'm gonna surge the troops just like my boss, Barrack Obama did. We need more troops deployed!!" partly cause he probably thinks that and partly cause his brain is so bad he just automatically takes the opposite stance trump does cause uhhh, libs love it i guess