dude i fucking hate them, every time i see jack ma's face on my timeline i want to set that deformed fetus face on fire in front of his children

we think it's a fucking tragedy that china needs a system that allows these disgusting people to exist. it leaves any dignified person with a bad taste in their mouth every time one of these maggots takes a breath.

but assuming that the chinese have to allow them to breathe, which we think just happens to be the case, then what the fuck are they supposed to do? reject reality? act emotionally and risk destroying what they've built?

there will be a time to put these people on the wall, and by god i wish i'm alive then, if only to watch and cheer at every instance of liberals crying over the "genocide". but that time isn't here yet. it just isn't.

regardless of whether you believe in the CPC or not, if they're actual marxists they won't do it right now, unless they go full stupid. and judging by the last 40 years they ain't going fucking stupid.

so for god's sake, argue about the CPC, but over something valid, like how you think they're doing wrong with their MMT, or how they're not doing enough for workers in the tech industry, or how underwhelming their health care system is. but quit the "dwah china has rich people" shit, it's void of meaning¹ :hexbear-shining:

¹ unless you're not a marxist, in that case i completely understand. but marxists aren't supposed to think reality bends to our will, we're supposed to be materialists not idealists

    • GravenImage [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      you need to at some level play by global capitalist rules and make concessions to that system for it to take the bait/investment

      2020 communists are anti-worker and pro-IMF, you should read about the recent Indonesia covid stimulus deregulation law.

      • skeletorsass [she/her]
        4 years ago

        Of course, fighting American hegemony and global capitalism is very easy and can be easily done by an impoverished, underdeveloped country with no trading partners. Impoverished countries take IMF loans because they love being enslaved by them. Underdevelopment can be fixed by flipping the development switch and having the peasants magic together some modern industrial tech. I am totally a materialist.

        • anthm17 [he/him]
          4 years ago

          I don't think people are criticizing the countries for taking IMF loans because of COVID, I think people are mostly criticizing the IMF for being incredibly predatory.

    • anthm17 [he/him]
      4 years ago

      It didn't last for 50 years and create the largest capitalist economy in the world.

    • Rev [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Can you explain WHY exactly China needs billionaires to attract foreign capital (besides some vague “that’s how the world works” handwaving)?

      Why can’t the party control the factories, the real estate market, the retail chains, the R&D facilities, etc. directly? Do you really think that if the party were to control all of that directly and at the same time still offer the same lucrative manufacturing conditions to western companies, the western bourgeoisie would turn their nose at continuing to profit because of some purist ideological principles?

      It would seem way more idealist to hold such positions.