“Gay people are bourgeoisie decadence”.

  • Dextronaut [he/him,any]
    4 years ago

    and these people call themselves leftists?

    jesus christ, glad i never found that corner of reddit

    • Moosegender [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Socially conservative lefties exist. Just because you are economically left is no guarantee you care about social issues.

    • crispyhexagon [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      im convinced that they think this because they have never enjoyed positive attention from anyone, ever, and consequently think that any action someone takes that might get attention is done solely for that attention.

      its pure incel ideology

      • GravenImage [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        incel ideology

        Dark triad redditors think human behavior can be reduced to "signalling" because they're sociopathic nerds.

  • Shmyt [he/him,any]
    4 years ago

    Lgbtq+ people always have been here, we're just in a situation where more of us can stand up without getting our heads blown off for being non-cishet purely because so many people before us did that anyways.

    Claims of "ideological purity tests" coming from someone uncritically throwing out the term social capital towards people who suffer from enormous amounts of oppression (and literal state sanctioned murder) is rich. And the specific phrasing of 'predatory' is a huge fucking yikes when you aim it at communities that were accused for decades of being pedos by the religious right that actively sheltered pedos.

    Also kinda sus that this person is using 'queer' as their chosen descriptor while being very against us; I am all for lgbtq+ people choosing to retake and identify with the term, but I don't accept it from people like this who are clearly intending it as a slur any more than I accept being called a f***** by them.

  • crispyhexagon [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    really not sure how they even think this nonsense is a point.

    lets assume for a moment that some lgbtq people are, in fact, just doing it "for the attention"

    if you undergo a major surgery because you enjoy the way people look at you when you present as a [woman\man] as opposed to when you present as a [man\woman] thats uhhh... not actually trans?

    like what?

    edit: if youre sucking on a big pile of dicks and tits, just eating all the ass and pussy and kissing folks left and right, big fat kisses, cause you love the attention it gets you, thats uhh... not queer?


  • ShoutyMcSocialism [he/him]
    4 years ago

    They want you to post this stuff here and be annoyed by it. Tell me that wasn't in the back of that person's mind when they initially posted it. Ignore em, I say.

  • Liberalism [he/him,they/them]
    4 years ago

    I'm out here playing 4D chess, putting myself in danger so that people try and help protect me from that danger

  • AliceBToklas [she/her]
    4 years ago

    lol yeah, I totally transitioned for the attention. I love attention so much I don't leave my house because I no longer feel safe in public places by myself.

  • GravenImage [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    obsess over the accumulation of social capital. It's actually predatory

    based Gramscian cultural hegemony

  • SSJBlueStalin [he/him]
    4 years ago

    This is why we need class reductionism. Someone needs to just pour Nick™️ brand slime on this kid and tell him to get back to work uniting the workers of the world along material lines. He can just absolutley shut the fuck up.