Edit: Damn, did not expect this to turn into today’s struggle sesh.

Here’s my both sides/both sides take. Should people be executed for drawing, publishing or showing hateful cartoons? Probably not.

What grosses me out is how Enlightened Secular France has spent centuries colonizing and brutalizing muslims and continues to oppress them with discriminatory laws while acting like the entire point of Free Speech TM is the right to degrade a profoundly marginalized minority.

As someone brought up in this thread, the whole Mohammad cartoon controversy reminds me of the perennial debate “why would a black person get violent if you call them the n-word, it’s just a word.” Context matters, when you purposely provoke an oppressed minority by shoving the thing they find most offensive in their face, you may get a violent reaction.

I don’t think this guy deserves to die at all, but Charlie Hebdo is very racist and it’s gross how people rally around it like it’s this bastion of free speech.

That said, death to A Wyatt Mann. Inshallah.

  • soufatlantasanta [any]
    4 年前

    Not only does the initial attack reek of being an op (seriously, dude is from Chechen? he's both Muslim AND Russian? barely any criminal record or backstory to speak of? couldn't get more perfect but i could be wrong on this too) but also everybody seems to forget that two girls literally just stabbed brown ppl under the Eiffel Tower while screaming "dirty Arabs!" literally a few days after the news broke. Where are their consequences?

    • GrandAyatollaLenin [he/him,comrade/them]
      4 年前

      I was arguing with somone on Reddit today about this. They insist the stabbling in Paris was not a hate crime. The women just happened to be stabbing Muslims for unrelated reasons while shouting racial slurs.

      • soufatlantasanta [any]
        4 年前

        That's absolutely batshit insane. I do not fucking know why the French continue to decide that the hill they want to die on is hating refugees and Muslims, instead of something more noble like humiliating Macron and getting him kicked out of office

        • GrandAyatollaLenin [he/him,comrade/them]
          4 年前

          It's the clearest example of Hegelian dialectics in play.

          Thesis: Conservatives who hate Muslims for not being Christian.

          Antithesis: Radlibs who hate Muslims for not embodying European Enlightenment values

          Synthesis: Pretending to be opposed to all religion, but only caring when its Muslims.

        • MichelLouise [he/him]
          4 年前

          Mmh... idk, maybe because your vision of what « the French » is is wrong?

          • Sen_Jen [they/them]
            4 年前

            The (((french))) are those people in Europe that cooka da meatball, right?

        • anthm17 [he/him]
          4 年前

          do not fucking know why the French continue to decide that the hill they want to die on is hating refugees and Muslims

          Well they are mostly white...

      • GrandAyatollaLenin [he/him,comrade/them]
        4 年前

        Chechens apparantly suffered a lot under Stalin.

        I'm guessing the CIA probably drew a lot of them into Afghanistan based on these grievances.

        Then you have the wars in Chechnya, which only contribute to radicalisation, especially with the extent of destruction the Russians caused.

        But I'm not well read in the subject.